This is a pretty easy 24 hour project. And the only reason it takes 24 hours is just because the Mod Podge has to dry over night before you
can put another coat on.
can put another coat on.

Here's what I used:
* One Chalkboard
* Stain or Brown Ink
* One Piece of Scrap Book Paper
* Magnets (mine had to be glued on and
it took about 4 across the top to get it
to stick to the side of the fridge)
* Decorative Appliques ( I ended up using
the two that you see in the finished project,
but whatever you want makes it more personal)
* One Chalkboard
* Stain or Brown Ink
* One Piece of Scrap Book Paper
* Magnets (mine had to be glued on and
it took about 4 across the top to get it
to stick to the side of the fridge)
* Decorative Appliques ( I ended up using
the two that you see in the finished project,
but whatever you want makes it more personal)
* Ribbon
* Chalk
* Fine sand paper
* Chalk
* Fine sand paper
First I stained the wood frame with the brown ink and let it dry.
Then I simply measured and cut strips of paper to fit the frame. Glued them on and once they were very dry I used the sandpaper to rough up the edges. Then I wen over the paper with the bown ink. I wanted a more aged look. After that I used the mod podge and coated it about 5 times letting it dry in between coats. I glued on the appliques to the front and let them dry. Then glue the magnets to the back, let them dry. To finish, tied the chalk on with my ribbon.
It looks really cute on the side of fridge.

A piece of cake!