I will be hosting a table for 10 at a Ladies Luncheon in a couple of weeks and needed a party favor. So because it is sort of a tea and I will set my table up as a tea table, I thought that I would
give my gals a little container of Friendship Tea.
First I put together my little jars... pretty simple... I had found this darling blue and red ribbon that I wanted to use... but then decided against it. Do you every do that?
Here are the labels that I made...
These little jars are available at Hobby Lobby. I got them for .99 cents each. I sterilized them and filled each one with the mix...
Here's the recipe for Instant Friendship Tea.
Instant Tea ,that is, not Instant Friends. LOL! Ingredients1/2 cup instant tea powder
1 cup sweetened lemonade powder
1 cup orange-flavored drink mix
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
In a large bowl, combine instant tea, lemonade powder, orange drink mix, cinnamon and clove. Mix well and store in an airtight container. To serve, put 1 tablespoon of mix in a mug. Stir in 1 cup of boiling water.

A sweet and simple little gift for each adored guest!

I am linking to Laura's Craft Party

Show and Tell Friday's at Cindy's
Make sure you check out all the sweet inspiration!