OOOOOH! To my sweet reading friends.... THIS WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!
All the girls in the book club gave it 2 thumbs up. It was the perfect choice for our October meeting.
All based on historical facts, this story read like the best suspense novel ever!
Just enough gore that you know what happened but a lot is left to the imagination, which I personally is a sign of a really good writer.
If you end up reading it or have read it... Let me know.
I would love to hear your thoughts!
From the Back of the book:
fates were linked by the magical Chicago World’s Fair of 1893,
nicknamed the “White City” for its majestic beauty. Architect
Daniel Burnham built it; serial killer Dr. H. H. Holmes used it to lure
victims to his World’s Fair Hotel, designed for murder. Both men
left behind them a powerful legacy, one of brilliance and energy, the
other of sorrow and darkness.
Here, then, is your ticket to the greatest fair in history—a place
where incredible dreams came to life alongside darkest nightmares.
I'm joining in for Literary Friday. Go see Ricki Jill for more great reading selections!