Monday, May 30, 2011

Fresh-Cut Friday #10

Nothing says fresh, summer, clean, or country like a daisy!

Humble, sweet, little posies for sure!

Most of you guys know that I am a huge Doris Day fan.
If she were a flower...
she would be...

A daisy!

Thank you so much for joining in! I can't wait to see your flowers!

I'm also joining Cindy for Show and Tell Friday!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


This Friday is Fresh-Cut Friday! I will have the Linky tool up Thursday night. Your post can be fresh flowers, your garden or even ... your neighbor's garden! Just make sure that you link back to my post so that we can all share and see everyone's post.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

God Bless our Brave Defenders!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ginger's MatchBox

Do you remember me telling you about my swap that I participated in?
This is the box that I made for Ginger at Glitter and Roses.

Filled with bits
and bobs.

I know that she
loves sweet pinks and soft aquas.
And really? Who doesn't love a rose?

Now, I have to tell you... Her creations are really beautiful.
You need to really zip over and see her designs.

I'm linking up with Beverly for Pink Saturday.
This Saturday is a very special day. It is the 3rd Birthday for Pink Saturday.
Can you believe it?!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was handsome hubby's b-day! YAY!

Happy Birthday Sweetie! I'm so glad you were born!

So of course we had to have to Birthday Cake!

Super Easy Coconut Cake

  • 1 white cake mix
  • 1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk
  • 1 can cream of coconut
  • 1 lg. container Cool Whip
  • 12 oz. pkg. coconut, flaked
Bake white cake according to box instructions. Punch holes in cake with straw or small round object, about 1 inch apart. Pour cream of coconut and then milk over holes. Top with Cool Whip and coconut on top.

This is so moist and wonderful!

One slice is like a meal.


I decided to join in for Vintage Thursday. I just want to show off my new olden Cake Taker. Make sure you head over to see more of the cute Vintage Thingies!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen

I've been neglecting my book reviews...
But when I finished this one...
I just had to share...

I truly enjoyed this book! What a great way to spend the weekend.

Fun! Spicy! Unexpected! Sweet! Sad!

And best of all... it had a great ending!

I got to see the movie last weekend. With a few minor changes, the movie was very close to the book. The costumes were beautiful.

Aren't they gorgeous?!

Of course Rosie stole the show!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Farm Style Vintage Grocery Signs

I saw a real vintage Butter & Sugar sign in the May Country Sampler and just fell in love with it. Of course it wasn't for sale and those are kind of rare and pricey if you actually happen to find one. Well I'm poor and impatient .... so ... we make due!

Midge and I got up early this morning and decided to make our little vintage market signs. She always checks my supplies and makes sure I have everything that I need.... Thanks Midge!

Let's see:
Craft paint (black and cream)
Sponge brushes
Wood stain
Painter's tape
Sharpie black permanent pen
Various tools for distressing.... Hammer, Sand Paper, and Steel,

Paint your wood piece first and let it dry.
Enjoy your coffee...

Arrange your lettering and stencil ...
Some tips for you regarding the stenciling.
Load your sponge then wipe it till it is almost dry. I know that sound wasteful but you will get a much cleaner line. In a swirling motion, start lightly from the edges in.
Use these tips and you should be able to obtain a nice clean letter.

I wanted a boarder on the MILK sign, so I taped it off and they used a metal ruler to just draw a
straight line. I know... it's totally cheating... but it's a short cut that works.

I forgot to take pictures of the next step... But all you do is just rough up the paint with sand paper. I hit it with a hammer and then rubbed it good with steel wool. After that... I just wiped a coat of wood stain over the whole thing and then quickly wiped it off. Let it dry until it isn't sticky anymore.

I then just glued a ribbon to the back.....

And there you have it.

Vintage Grocery Signs

Friday, May 13, 2011

Longest Outage Ever!

Was it just me? Or were the rest of you bloggers experiencing a little tiny, bit of panic there?

Yikes! Glad Blogger is back up and running!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to pop in and say Happy Mother's Day!
I sure hope you are having as wonderful a day as I am.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the best Fresh-Cut Friday yet!

You know... My Fresh-Cut Friday post was officially my 400th post!

Who would-a thunk I had THAT much to say?!

Anyway... I am considering a Giveaway to celebrate. I mean you can't just

let you 3rd year and 400th post go by unnoticed... Am I right?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fresh-Cut Friday #9

Welcome to our May edition of Fresh-Cut Friday!

Today, I am sharing one of the cutest tables at last Saturday's Tea.
We had a whopping 41 tables and ladies calling Friday afternoon and begging to come!
It was so much fun... I will be sharing more of the tables and mine of course through out next week.
But this was my favorite table. Look at this arrangement!
Doesn't it look like it could be right out of a magazine?
And this cupcake bouquet.... AMAZING!
Each lady got to take one home... a cup cake that is...

So! Let's see your gorgeous arrangements!

I will be linking to Show and Tell Friday and Pink Saturday!