Have you ever seen this sweet movie? I watched it for the first time last week.

I wonder if she would have a blog now a days?
This one I framed. If you like the the image, and want to use it, please feel free to take it.
But I still wanted to make something else.... After all I have been looking at all those creative spaces from the Where Bloggers Create Party for the last week. SO my inspiration was bubbling over. I needed a Mod Podge fix! So I pulled out all of my stuff (my craft room is now back to normal...he he he) and got to working.
It seemed to me, even though I have never been in a sorority, that everything has very deep meaning when you make stuff for your sister. (hmmm ... will we have bigs and littles???)
So I added my embellishments very thoughtfully...
*The key: Because dreaming big is the key to success!
*The Eiffel Tower: Because all sisters strive for their own self assured chic-ness. Just like the French!
*The Queen of Hearts: Because all Blogging Sisters take loving care of each other. Only leaving honestly encouraging words that edify not criticize.
*The Rose: Because each and everyone is just as beautiful as the other, but still unique in it's own way.
*The Bling: Because all sisters shine and because Some Days are Diamonds!
Thank you Karen! This is just the funnest thing ever! Please click the button above
or the link to go see the sisters!
Now for the very clever part...
I have to provide a picture of myself with my creation. You'll have to grant me a little grace here because I am very camera shy.
But just for my sisters...
Boop! There I am!
See you at the next chapter meeting.