Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fast and Furious

Are you having a fast and furious week? I am!
I so wish that I was sitting down to have a nice cup of tea and my favorite
vanilla scones.
I pick these up at Starbucks every now and then. I love them.
All the yummy-ness and no effort.
I really don't have much to report. Just work... work... work!
Not that I'm complaining. Work is good!
It helps me to afford yummy vanilla scones from Starbucks every now and then.
But it does limit the blogging time. I don't get to visit as much and getting a post in
is a little more challenging.

I picked these sweet little petunias from the garden and thought I would
share them with you.

Is anything fun happening in your world?

I'm joining in for White Wednesday at Faded Charm

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The End Of The First Day Of Spring

The long shadows at the end of the first day of Spring.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Someone really should stop me!

I have a couple of weaknesses ...eh ...ok. OK! ...maybe a few weaknesses.

Beside the obvious ones;

roses, fresh flowers of any kind, dishes, sweet milk chocolate, coffee with half and half, any bible, books, shoes, handbags, clothes, antiques and not in any particular order.

I LOVE paper!

Notebooks with cute covers, Pretty scrapbook paper, even office supplies!

Oh! My! Goodness!

It's terrible!

Back-to-School is a horrible season of temptation for me. I'm not kidding! It's awful!

Going down the paper aisle at Target? BAD idea! VERY bad idea.

A couple of weeks ago I happily ventured down the sinner's aisle of temptation ...

And found ...

These on sale for $1.18 each!

(what's up with the .18 cents?)

Of course if one is good... then one in every combo is sweet perfection! Right?

Well, one thing that the good Lord blessed me with are people who enable this dreaded syndrome. Both my assistant and my daughter have the same affliction.

So when ever I see a sale I think of those around me so that I can help me justify my lack of self control.

Remember the e-reader covers that I made for those same girls? You can see them here.

How perfect are these for each other? Both girls got a selection of 3.

So anyway!

They say if you can admit to an addiction...

What about you? Anything your willing to admit to?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A New Cloche

Today I'm joining Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for the first party of a 4 party EGG- stavaganza!
The event she is hosting is her famous Cloche Linky party.
So even though I've been out of town and I'm arriving to her party a day
I'm still going to jump in!

Make sure you hope over there to see all the other participants.

I don't have anything new...


I was a lucky recipient of this darling cloche from Laurie at
Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie. She had a fun Valentine's Day party that if you missed out on you can click here.

I'm I a lucky girl or what!?

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Hi Ya!

Are you ready for the weekend?
Do you have big plans?

I hope you have had a really great week. I'm off to see Sweet Daughter for a
long weekend and I have to tell you I'm so excited I can't stand it!

I was in my craft room straightening and I saw this sweet little gift that my friend CeeKay gave me at Christmas. I don't think I ever showed it to you all. Isn't it the cutest?
3 sweet little bottles with different glitter all contained in a darling little metal
tray. I didn't put it away after Christmas...
I just like it to much.
Plus it reminds me of CeeKay.
And that's a good thing!

What about you?
Do you have a little bit of Christmas out all year?

We are reading a chapter a day of the book of James for the 40 days leading up to Easter. I'm back to the first chapter today and this is what I read.
Coincidence? I think not!

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. " James 1: 2-4

New Living Translation


I'm joining in at My Romantic Home and 2805

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tea and Lunch With Jane...

"You must drink tea with us tonight."
Jane Austen -- Sense & Sensibility

This didn't start out as a Jane Austen theme...

But that's how it ended up!

This is where it started... with these pretty little mugs from Home Goods.

Each lady will take one home filled with pretty macaroons.
So I used the colors in the mug to inspire me.

The round topper is a Rachel Ashwell table cloth from Target ... years ago.
The lavender is a flat sheet that I found at Home Goods.

My Grandmothers luncheon plates and my mom's silverware.
White doilies, soft yellow napkins and round, green place mates.

The books I added when I realized that they matched my colors so well.
Nothing matching...
but everything coordinating.

And of course after the books came the next most obvious addition
... our guest of honor!

“I could not tell whether you would be for some meat, or only a dish of tea, after your journey, or else I would have got something ready… . Perhaps you would like some tea, as soon as it can be got.” They both declared they should prefer it to anything.
–Mrs. Price to Fanny and William in Mansfield Park

Shall I pour or will you?

I'll be joining Marty for Table Top Tuesday!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fresh-Cut Friday #20 Daffodils

Welcome to Fresh-Cut Friday!

Today we are talking about a little breath of Spring called a ...

In my favorite shade of yellow, a gift of Daffodils means friendship.

I put mine in my soup tureen. I never serve soup in it and
besides that I won't keep the bulbs in it.
I'm going to plant them with my Easter lilies.
I'll let you know if they come back next spring.

These are actually miniature Daffodils.

So tiny and feminine.

An easy centerpiece.

These little sweeties are so photogenic...I couldn't stop taking their picture!

They practically turn their heads and pose... really, they follow the sunshine...

So what are you sharing? What reminds you that Spring is still on its way?

I'm joining this parties:

Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home

Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Fridays

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

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