Make sure you hang your flag this weekend!
And Perfect for the Memorial Day festivities....
The first time that I saw this wreath was last year on QVC. I really wanted it, but decided that it just wasn't needed. So I put the phone down and talked myself out of the purchase. Of course by the middle of the day it was sold out. So I told myself that that was it. But, like so many pretty things that I have come across, once it is gone, I truly believed that I really, REALLY should have snapped it up and that I let an opportunity to be shop-happy pass.(Shop-Happy is my term for that feeling of buying something that you just love and that you got at a great price AND that you have absolutely no remorse or guilt for purchasing) I still wanted it! I even, believe it or not, gathered up all the stuff to make it. Unfortunately, it would have been twice the price that QVC was asking. So, in sad defeat, I put it all back and pretty much forgot about it. I know, I Know.... "OH! THE DRAMA!"

Then one day in April I was browsing the blogs and decided to check out Shanda's blog, because I knew she would be doing something great to get ready for spring. So I flipped over to her blog and THERE IT WAS! Shanda was sharing her special arrival of The Summer Wreath. All those old feelings that I felt the first time we met came flooding back and I knew it was meant to be! So I ordered it and it arrived a week ago. I love it so much that I hung it on the pantry door in the kitchen.
Eventually I will move it to the front door to share with the rest of the world, but for now I will enjoy it inside and savor that feeling of SHOP-HAPPY!
If you have never seen Shanda's sweet blog you should zip over there. She has a beautiful country home and shares all her great ideas and bargains. Shanda at Front Porches, Sweet Tea and Old Aprons
I hope you all have a Happy Memorial Day with your families. Please remember many have chosen to serve our great country and have paid a very high price. Freedom and Liberty are never free!