I have shown my office, off and on, in a couple of different posts, but I haven't ever given you the GRAND tour! Okay... I don't know how grand it really is ... But I like it.
My daughter sent me all ofthose post card from all over the world!
I used this little bird cage to hold cards at our wedding.
This table was my grandmother's. It is from the 1800's and has the original finish. The little chair belonged to my husband's grandmother. When we got married he assumed that I would want to throw it away. Silly Hubby! He just doesn't know that a girl only needs an excuse to break out the spray paint! : )
This little bench I decorated to match my desk... I thought it turned out pretty good!
Here's another pic of the desk...
My Hubs made this shelf and another 3 level unit, that is in our family room, when he was sixteen.
That was when they had classes like Industrial Arts and Home Economics.... hehehe...His mom had kept it in the attic all these years and one day a couple of years ago asked him if he would want them back.
He came in with them and said "don't worry honey I'll put them in my office... you don't need to find a place for them... " Well as you can see I painted it black and put it in my office! : )
That dresser I shared with my brother when we were little... My dad refinished it and it is pretty unstablenow. But the wood work on it is very unusual. It was covered in veneer that was peeling. My dad striped it all off, sanded, stained and varnished it. Now I keep table linens in it. The mirror that sits on top is really, really heavy. It also came from one of my grandmothers....
This little tray is actually a picture frame with black paper in it. I put the gold fluer de lis on the magazine folders... I keep every issue of TeaTime Victoria and my favorite Christmas issues of various magazines. Isn't my silver tape dispenser and matching stapler cute?
I have to let you know that my inspiration for this room came from a lay out in Romantic Country Magazone Summer of 2007. I was just looking at it to give credit to the magazine and realized that the office in the photo shoot belongs to Fifi O'Neil. Who is now the editor of Romantic Country.
That's all... no more...I hope you like my little space. I love being in here and am always adding to it ... Oh and the wall color is Laura Ashely Taupe.
Cute pictures!! :) And way to go, I love your office. It's super!
What a lovely, romantic space!
Thanks for the tour of your office. Is adorable, I absolutely love your desk, well really everything.
Many Blessings, Virginia
I loved getting the grand tour of your office. Gorgeous!
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Oh yum, yum, yum! I love the birdcage and the lampshape and the chair and the....
I love your office. And the way you have your door/desk painted is so beautiful. xo rachel
I adore your office. The harlequin and rose painted desk and bench are wonderful, great job!
I like how you embellished the lamp shade as well.
Those thrift store plate are my favorite thing in the room!! Well, and the chair, and the dresser and the kitty, and.....
Love the wall color, I was going to ask what it was!
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