Thursday, July 27, 2017

How I Decided to Use My 365 Faith Binder

One of the fun things that I received from the Documented Faith crew was
this super cute binder. Since my Blessed Friends Ambassadorship is almost over, I feel like I need to share my thoughts on this product. I am actually excited to do so because it took me a while to decide how I want to use it. 

Here is a little overview on the binder. 
The cost is about $40.00 
You can pick one up here and here
It comes complete with dividers, blank monthly pages, and blank daily pages. All are designed by Stephanie Ackerman with her awesome art work. If you don't know her you can read more on her blog Homegrown Hospitality.

This a very nice 3-ring binder with reinforced corners and a lay-flat feature. The paper is card stock. I have used watercolor on the pages and they only slightly buckle and press out over time. The dividers are actually watercolor paper that you can color in as you wish. The dividers are labeled with the word of the month that Stephanie's weekly email focuses on.  

Let me say something here. 
Don't let that be a deal breaker. If you want the binder to be used as an actual planner, you can. Just flip the dividers over and label them by month.  SUPER FLEXIBLE! Use it how you want to!

So the first couple of months I really did use it as a planner. 

What I ended up deciding was that this was not really useful for me. I have a lovely Filofax personal size Malden that I LOVE and carry every where. So that ended up not being the best use for me.

Here is a layout that I did with the word "serve" using the Serve Kit, which you can get here. By the way, this kit has my hands-down, absolute favorite stamp set .... EVER!

So after months of working with this binder, I have decided that this is one of the things in life that you don't know you need until you have it and use it. 

The way that I use it is that every week I download the Documented Faith devotion. I pray. I open my bible. I read the devotion and then I pray again.  I ask for clarity and a message. God always delivers.

This particular week Stephanie had an exercise to write scripture. So I did one daily. I also added one of her images from the Adornit ArtPlay coloring book. I just cut it out and glued in.  I also watercolored sections... just because, I'm all about watercolor now. 

I also washied the edge of the lesson download and hole punched so that I could place it in that week. 

Sometimes the devotions come with a really cute image like this one. You can do what you want with it. Use it in your binder or in your bible. 

You can see here, that I did nothing to decorate the binder other than put the weekly devotion in it.  I don't spend the time in the binder like I do in my bible journaling. I really am just Documenting my Faith. 

If you would like to sign up for the Documented Faith weekly email here.

I hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. 
Oh! And if you ever want to see what I'm working on I post almost every day on Instagram. There is a link in my sidebar that will take you right to my Instagram Page. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

So this happened.....

I have struggled with this pony wall since I moved in to this house.  It creates such a
challenge for decorating.  It divides the 2 rooms but still makes them open to each 
other.  A formal room and a very casual room. 

 I got a wild idea that a salvaged window might be just the thing. 
So I have been keeping my eye out for one that wasn't too big and one that wasn't too small. It is actually a large space.

Well, I found one at Sweet Salvage this weekend! The perfect size. 
And hubby hung it for me last night. 

I'm pretty happy with it! 
I plan to decorate it for the holidays. I can't wait!

I hope you are staying cool. We are doing lots inside these days. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Book Review My Name is Resolute

Just popping in to share a good book.
Actually, an amazing book! 
One that I was so sad to end. 

Taken from Goodreads
"The year is 1729, and Resolute Talbot and her siblings are captured by pirates, taken from their family in Jamaica and brought to the New World. Resolute and her sister are sold into slavery in colonial New England and taught the trade of spinning and weaving. When Resolute finds herself alone in Lexington, Massachusetts, she struggles to find her way in a society that is quick to judge a young woman without a family. As the seeds of rebellion against England grow, Resolute is torn between following the rules and breaking free. Resolute's talent at the loom places her at the center of in incredible web of secrecy that helped drive the American Revolution."

Let me know if you have read this or if you will. 
I would love to hear your thoughts. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

It's a Big Honor!

Well, here we are. 
It is March, and I'm saying the same thing ... where did the month go? 
At least I can say that I have been busy. 

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen that I announced that I
have been honored by being selected for the Ambassador Team for Documented Faith.
This is a fun Bible Journaling product line sold by Adonit (a craft company). 
It was originally designed and developed by Artist Stephanie Ackerman her blog is here.


I will be showing you more later!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Unavailing the 2017 Lit-N-Latte Bookclub Reading List

Holy COW!
How can it already be almost the middle of February? 

Before we get to far into the year I wanted to share the book club reading list.
Let me know if you decide to read along. 

Lit-N-Latte Bookclub

2017 Book List

January: My Name is Resolute - Nancy E Turner
February: Hidden Figures - Margot Lee Shetterly
March: Big Little Lies - Liane Moriarty
April: Denial - Deborah Lipstadt
May: Cold Sassy Tree - Olive Ann Burns
June: This Road We Traveled - Jane Kirkpatrick
July: The Source - James Michener
September: A Man Called Ove - Fredrik Backman
October: Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
November: Eighty Days - Matthew Goodman
December: The Christmas Town - Donna Van Liere

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Santa Claus, Jesus and Being Shy

Funny name for a blog post but sometimes things just hit me different than everybody else.  Here is a perfect example.

Sunday our pastor preached an awesome sermon on Hebrews 4:14 -16 and 5:1-4. 

Here is the scripture, check it out:

4:14 Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High Priest who has [already ascended and] passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him as Savior]. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize and understand our weaknesses and temptation, but One who has been tempted [knowing exactly how it feels to be human] in every respect as we are, yet without [committing any] sin. 16 Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God's gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].

5:1 For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed [to act] on behalf of men in things relating to God, so that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. 2 He is able to deal gently with the spiritually ignorant and misguided, since he is also subject to human weakness; 3 and because of this [human weakness] he is required to offer sacrifices for sins, for himself as well as for the people. 4 And besides, one does not appropriate for himself the honor [of being high priest], but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.
                                                                                                        from the Amplified Bible

Okay, so the point that our Pastor made was that we should, and have every right, to approach Jesus with great confidence! He even gave a great impression of George Jefferson's confident strut. 

It was a great visual!  

Friends, that IS exactly how we should approach Jesus. 

So here is where my twisted part comes in... 

The whole time that he is telling us how we should be so confident in how we approach Jesus I am remembering how I would approach Santa Claus when I was a kid.  Maybe it was because we are just coming out of the Christmas season and possibly it was because I spent 12 hours on Saturday packing Christmas away.  Anyway, I was probably about 6 or 7 and so painfully shy and timid that I would stand in line and anxiously wait, but when it was finally my turn I would have to be coaxed and encouraged to step forward, knowing that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to tell him what I wanted.  I wouldn't get the Santa hug and it would be a whole year before I would have a chance again.  And yet, I was still too awestruck to move. 

Meanwhile, the kid behind me couldn't wait! He ran right around me and took a running leap into Santa's lap. Laughing and giggling and talking with Santa like they were old friends. I was mortified and even a little jealous.  He got the opportunity and the Santa hug.  Even at that young age, I fully understood embarrassment and hurt pride. Why was I such a baby?! 

Friends this is the problem with the "Santa Claus" Jesus. 
Pray to him when you want something. 
Pray to him when you feel good about where you are. 
Once I get my act together, then I'll go to church.
Everything is good now and my ducks are in a row, so I can approach Him. 

That's not how it works. 
We don't have to wait in line for our forgiveness.
We don't have to worry that the mercy or grace will ever run out.
We don't have to worry that we will miss our opportunity!

I am so grateful that we have the perfect High Priest that we can run to. He understands us and loves us before we even realize how much we need His love.

 Draw near to Him!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year - New Bible Journal

Well, it's time.

I have loved and journaled in this bible for the last 2 years.
But after almost 300 entries, it's time.  It doesn't seem like a lot,
however, I was finding that I would go to a page to do an entry and it was already
journaled in. It was getting frustrating. So, I spent a good long time looking for a 
replacement. This one will probably be shelved so that I can use it for reference.

This is what I purchased. I am already moved in and using it. 
It has proven to be a good investment. I can tell already that I am going
to LOVE it!

It is slightly smaller.

With a beautiful natural leather cover.

This gives you an idea of the size.

 The English Standard Version is my favorite. I love the 
faint lines in the margin and the color of the paper.

Here is the box it came in (just incase you want to purchase it).

This is the Crossway SKU

The Lifeway Christian Book Store SKU.
I did get it on sale for $82.99.

And here is the title page that I worked on New Year's Eve. 
I'm  put my contact info on the title page after this picture was taken.

I wanted a page that was a reminder of what is important.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Hello 2017! Nice to meet you!

Fun Book Club Party Idea

Hello My Friends!

Happy New Year!

There! I acknowledge right up front that I know that Christmas has past. 
Ugh! Honestly, I miss it already. 

But! At any rate, I was able to host a very fun little 
soirée for my Lit-N-Latte Girls and I wanted to show the pictures off. 

So here they are!

Truly this theme could very easily translate into a January/Winter theme.

I always purchase all the books for the year. Sorry, but we love the covers and actually holding the book.  Many of the ladies use e-readers but any true book lover still loves the feel of a book in the hand and the turn of a page.

So with that in mind, it certainly helps to come up with a centerpiece.  The only thing that I added was my Father-in-Law's old typewriter, Christmas teacups and some vintage Christmas post cards.

It is also very easy to use your party favors. I gave each gal a Starbucks ornament.

We usually go pot luck, but I also supplied a hot cocoa bar.

This year I included a the White Chocolate Hot Cocoa Mix from the Safeway Select line.
You guys! I'm telling you! Short of making real cocoa in a double boiler... 
it just doesn't get any better. 
It is the best mix I have ever tried. I offered both the white and regular cocoa.

The party was a success.
We chatted about favorite reads this year, favorite of all time reads, books that are coming out this year,
books that are coming out in movies this year, must see movies and many, many other classic bookworm topics. (we all wear glasses)

I hope you had a lovely Holiday Season!
I can't believe how fast it went.