I have been reading through the Bible for the last couple of years. I mean that is how long it is taking me. However, I am sticking to it and I am almost done. Last night I read something that I thought I should share with you.
This is taken from page 1215 in The Daily Walk Bible. It is referencing the restoration of Solomon's Temple after it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzer. The Profit Haggai is encouraging God's people to complete the the rebuilding of the Temple.
My Daily Walk
Every person has exactly the same number of hours in a week: 168. Why is it that some people accomplish so much more with the same amount of hours than others do?
Answer: Priorities. Achievers determine in advance what they want to do, then tackle their tasks in the order of importance Haggai's contemporaries built a Temple in the midst of stiff opposition because that was their number one priority. Now transfer that concept to your spiritual life. What do you want to be able to look back on when you reach the age of 40?...55?...70?... A deep familiarity with the Bible? A consistent prayer life? A family that is walking with God?
If someone were to determine our priorities by looking at the way you spent the last 168 hours, what would they decide? And what will you priorities be as you spend the next 168?
Are your priorities in order? I'm working on mine!
I definitely need to work on mine - I repriortize to align with my desire for a deep relationship with my Lord and Savior but I lose track of my priorities even more regularly.
Sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. Thanks for such a thoughtful post.
Liz, what a wonderful and thought provoking post on this great Sunday morning! Thanks for sharing!
This is soooooooooo inspiring!! TFS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Great post. It seems that life gets in the way of our real priorities. I need to stop and remember what's really important and take care of my worship time first. Thanks for the reminder. Hugs, Marty
About 18 months ago I felt a longing to spend more time reading the bible. I try to read the bible at least 5 days a week. I can finally say I have read the whole bible. I am on my second time now. And every day I am amazed at the new insights I learn.
Oh...this is a very enlightening post...definitely made me think.I SO need to prioritize...
This is a great post Liz! We all need to busy about our Father's business.:)
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