A sweet little picture that my mom brought me a couple of weeks ago.
It sat on the dining room table for a long time before I found a home for it.
But I think it looks pretty here....
But I think it looks pretty here....
Yesterday, I had such a wonderful day. I actually got to meet CeeKay from Thinkin' of Home. She and I met for lunch and then went to Hobby Lobby. We had so much fun! I didn't even know that we had a Hobby Lobby in the Phoenix area but we do. We walked the isles and talked and talked. CeeKay is a delight and we have a lot in common. I don't think that we even had one break in the conversation!
She brought me the cutest little pink plates and a little antique doilie. I haven't found the perfect spot for them yet but when I do I'll feature them on Pink Saturday.
Here's a picture of the 2 of us.
And yes I'm breaking my one year rule and showing you a picture of me.
CeeKay is on the left and I'm on the right.
She brought me the cutest little pink plates and a little antique doilie. I haven't found the perfect spot for them yet but when I do I'll feature them on Pink Saturday.
Here's a picture of the 2 of us.
And yes I'm breaking my one year rule and showing you a picture of me.
CeeKay is on the left and I'm on the right.

I hope everyone has a great week!
Liz you and Ceekay are two gorgeous ladies! How fun is that you all got to meet.
Your picture from your Mom is beautiful as well.
Have a blessed Sunday my fiend.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
Oh, sweet pea, it is about time you posted a picture of yourself!! And you look how I imagined you to look (sweet & pretty!) And Ceekay too! It is nice to put a face with the words, and the words come from inside and that is the most important thing...
I love the picture your mother gave you and it looks fab on that wall. Everything does....is this your living room??
Oh Liz I am so glad to see you...its so nice to have a face with the name...up close and personal that way...Both of you are blonde beauties..I love Ceekay she's a true lady and a doll...So glad you got to meet and do Hobby Lobby...I would be doing my happy dance for sure...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Liz!
Lucky you! A Hobby Lobby AND CeeKay? WOW! Glad you had a good time....isn't blogging just the best fun ever?
To meet a blogging friend. Isn't that nice and so exciting? What was one you only knew through the screen has come alive LOL
The girl reading a book is a very lovely picture. Yes, very very lovely.
How fun! I'm glad y'all got to meet. I think Ceekay has met a couple of bloggers...lucky girl!
Your new picture is beautiful. :) I love the whole vignette on that wall.
Looks like fun! Glad you were able to get together!
Your sweet picture looks beautiful! You found the perfect home for it. I'm so glad you got to meet a bloggy friend. How fun! You two look so cute. Hobby Lobby better look out.:)
That is so fun that you were able to get together with Ceekay! Sounds like you guys had so much fun. Hobby Lobby is great, we could spend hours in there. Your picture ended up in a wonderful place, just right for pictures!
Ooh! Sounds like you had a fun time at Hobby Lobby! That is one of my favorite stores. :) I love the little picture too.
I love the pic of the girl reading. I have one of a girl reading a love note in my mastersuite.
Great that you got to meet for lunch and shopping. Pretty living room. I was fortunate to meet 3 bloggers today (posted about it today) and it was like I had already known them for a while.
I'd like to know why you've been hiding yourself. You and Ceekay are both so pretty. So glad you had a fun day. Your room looks so pretty, and the picture is perfect on that wall. laurie
Look at you two beautiful gals!! Yeah, I get to know what my Liz looks like, lol!
Funny how you get a picture in your head, and I had you pegged for a brunette, ha! : P
Love your living room, I don't remember seeing it before. Great colors and the new picture looks perfect there.
I wish I could just rent you for a week so you could tell me where to hang/put everything, lol!
Thanks for asking about Melly. She's doing ok I suppose. Vet says a few more weeks on the food. She's been playing more and always has to be in the same room as me.
Be sure you sign up for your 40% off coupons via Hobby Lobby email now!
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