Friday, August 31, 2012

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Pull up a sweet spot to sit, and lets chat!

Every summer The Girlfriends Lit-n-Latte Book Club pick an epic, or what I like to call "a major classic".  We skip a month so that we actually have 2 months to read the chosen selection.  This year's summer reading selection was 
Les Miserables
by Victor Hugo

I just want to start this book review by saying there are few books that I can actually say will enrich your life. Les Miserables is one of those stories. In my humble opinion, it should absolutely  be required reading.  
I also want to say that if you have seen the movie or the play, you have seen only about half of the story. It is so layered and so rich that there would be no way to include the entire story in a 3 hour period. 
I caution you that at 1700 pages,  you may be tempted to read a very abridged edition... Don't do it. I read the Barns and Noble Classics Abridged and edited edition and at 900 pages it was still a challenge, but I still got all the details.  Several of the ladies from the club that read even further consolidated issues missed some very critical bits and pieces to the story. I want to encourage you to just buckle down, read it, and I promise you will not be able to put the story down.

The story line is full of layers and layers of  coincidence, spiritual inspiration, morals, wisdom, deep grief, and a great deal of human misery. But it is also full of love, forgiveness, and great joy. 
 The characters are rich and I fell in love with all of them. The evil characters are so evil and good characters are so good that I had a visual depiction of them as I read the book.

I really did love this book. I will read it again. 

I'm joining Ricki Jill for Literary Friday.

And Honey for Potpourri Friday

Pick up a good book and read it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Last Days of Summer....

Well, I wish! 
It's a nice thought, and it sounds good, 
but we still have quite a bit to go... 
Another 2 months, probably, of 100 degree weather.  
I'm so glad that I got away for a weekend to some cooler weather.

 I thought that I would show you some 
more pictures of Manito Park in Spokane.
 This is a beautiful park in the middle of Spokane. 
It consists of 6 very distinct gardens and is more than 95 acres in total.
Now owned by the city, it is largely funded by the volunteers and private donations.
 A beautiful Japanese Garden.
 AH SOOOO.... Complete with dragon flies!
Duncan Garden, covering over 3 acres of classically designed 
European Renaissance style with bilateral symmetry.
  It reminded me of a tiny little tiny Versailles.
 Complete with gazebo, water fountain and full conservatory.

These are all pictures that my daughter took with her iPhone. 
Pretty nice, huh? 
Who needs an expensive camera?

I still haven't even shown you the pictures of Rose Hill. 

Any hooooo! 
Hope you all are having a FABULOUS week! 
I plan to finish up big myself! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

You Gotta Have Faith!

Hebrews 11:6

The thing that He wants most from us is the thing we want to give Him least..... 
Remember: Without FAITH it is impossible to please God!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Last Word....

I promise


 As I have mentioned....  Last weekend I got to deliver the Stained Glass Afghan to Sweet Daughter. 
I thought I would show you how cute it looks in her apartment.
Oh, did I sneak a kitty picture in there.... sorry. 
That is Big. 
He is the most lovable Ragamuffin kitty. 
Just a big, old, floppy cuddle bunny.
He loved the afghan!

 So that's the last you'll hear about that!
I do already have a couple of other projects started. But I haven't 
gotten to far on them yet. Still in the design process.
But I won't be working on them this weekend as I'm cleaning out the craft room. 

 These are a couple of shots from Manito Park in Spokane. 

What an amazing place! 
They have a rose garden that is breathtaking. I'll be sharing some photos from there too. 
That was right before my camera died a sudden death.  No news on that front, other than we think it was the lens. ....sigh....

Well, I'm going into the dark hole (crap eh...craft room) wish me a safe journey!

You all have a wonderful weekend! 

I'm joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are you paying attention? Are you looking?

I swear! 
I was driving home the other night and the sunset was so amazing I thought to myself, " Gosh! I wish I could just see the whole sunset without the houses and roof tops blocking it...."

 I came around the corner and it was like God said, 
"Well,  here you go!"  
I, of course, had to stop and snap a picture.
Thank you Lord! 
That just got me through the week.

His amazing love abounds! 

Are you paying attention? Are you watching?

Monday, August 13, 2012

Instagram and Casper Fry

Well, Howdy!

I'm back from Spokane. Had a lovely visit with Sweet Daughter.
It was a super, fun,  quick trip. 
Sad to say ... the Cannon broke down. Constant Communication Error. 
Sigh...the story of my life! 
So while the cannon is in the shop... we'll just have to get by with the iPhone. 
Daughter gave me a quick coaching session on Instagram and here you have it. 
If you haven't tried it yet... it is fun!
Instagram allows you to edit your photo and then post it directly from your phone 
to your Facebook page. 
This is a picture that I shared on Facebook.

 We had lunch at this darling little place called Casper Fry.

 It's kind of a new joint in downtown Spokane. They specialize in southern comfort food. 
Can you tell by the picture???...the servers wear denim Dickies and plaid shirts with either a tie or bow tie and work aprons. 

Real vintage silverware! 

That is the most amazing burger that I have ever had... and yes! That is a pile of homemade pimento cheese on top! Delish! Hands down the BEST garlic fries I have EVER had!

 Well, peanut butter and banana pie in a mason jar, of course. 
Sprinkled with an amazing brown sugar crumble, peanuts and drizzled with caramel. 
Oh, I was in heaven!

 The decor was sort of a vintage, southern, industrial chic... not sure what it really would be called.  We thought that the chairs had come from an old factory... but we asked and they really were just from Restoration Hardware. They could have lied and it would have been a great story.

Edison bulbs everywhere!

And of course my true, test for any fine restaurant ... COFFEE! 
And they did not fail! It was good and it was served in a decent sized cup!  
So 2 thumbs up for Casper Fry in Downtown Spokane. 
If I'd a had more thumbs it-a-been more thumbs up!

I do have a few other pictures that I took with the cannon before it quit. I'll be sharing those too. 

Well, bye for now!

Monday, August 6, 2012

W.I.P. No More!

Hey Petunias! 

Thank you to everyone that joined in for Fresh-Cut-Friday! 
We had ourselves a fun little party. If you missed it .... 
well don't worry... 

 We'll have another one on the First Friday of September 7th.

 For now, grab a cup of coffee or maybe some tea.

I'm pretty darn excited! 
(is that the new white tray from Pier1 that I told you you would be seeing more of?)

 I got sweet daughter's afgan done! 

Just in time for my trip  to see her. If you would like more details on my blankie just check out my ravelry page. Just click on the button on my sidebar. I call it my Stain Glass Afgan. 

 I hope she likes it... I think she will!
I think.... I hope....

Now imagine if you will.... I'm not in Phoenix, in August with 111 degree weather...
I'm in the upper Northwest... on a cold and rainy afternoon.... 
Can you picture it?

I'm Joining Marty for TableTop Tuesday

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fresh-Cut Friday #25

So happy to be sharing my favorite thing in the whole world! 

If your new here, Fresh-Cut Friday is all about floral arrangements. They can be from your garden or favorite floral spot.  It can be a new post or an older post. It doesn't really matter. 
It is really just about the pretty.  Everyone is welcome!
 I started FCF 2 years ago because there were no linky parties just for all our pretty floral arrangements. So I thought what a great excuse!  
Not just show off, but to buy ourselves flowers at least once a month.  

Well that was over 2 years ago! And here we are... I guess it was a pretty good idea. 
So if your here... I'm really happy!

These are my Gladiolas. I didn't take to many pictures of them because I didn't time the blooms right. I bought these stalks on Tuesday and they should all be open on Friday.... huummmm... I guess I should have put a little more thought into that. Anyway Gladiolas are the August Flower of the month. They are a flower that I don't usually go for but they are very pretty and feminine. And they last a long time to. 

When I was picking up my glads... I saw these lovelies... 
They were so pretty. They are actually green with a pale white to pink center.

The petals have a ruffle to them that is very striking.

 I have never seen these before, but they are appropriately 
named Green Fashion.

I thought they were so romantic that I let that be my
 inspiration for my photos. 


Oh! AND that is my new white tray from Pier 1.... 

You'll probably be seeing that in more of my photos... Just because I love it!

Wine, Roses and Candle light! 
How romantic is that!

So now jump on in...Don't forget to go visit your neighbors.

I'll be joining these other fun parties. 
 Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home, Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday and Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

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