Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lit-N-Latte Book Club Reads ...

The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

It's time for a Quick Book Review of

This was a very enjoyable read. It was a little challenging, but worth it. I would totally recommend it to anyone that loves to read about the roaring 20's and the post World War I era.

I loved the themes and I think (in my humble opinion) that the author has a very rich gift for writing. Some of his descriptions read just like prose. You have to go back and read them again to catch all of the symmetry and irony. He paints a beautiful picture of a life that was unattainable other than by the chance of birth. He explains clearly what happens to those who dare attempt to climb this social ladder and the true lack of depth some in this level of social class had. No wonder it was a short lived time in our history.

There is a strong balancing act regarding what is honest and descent as opposed to what is acceptable.

My favorite character, Nick Carraway, plays the unassuming and never judging narrator of the story. His middle class upbringing makes him the perfect mediator between New Rich and Old Rich.

Jay Gatsby (again in my humble opinion) has to be one of the most romantic characters in all of American Literature. A truely hopeless romantic. Completely blinded to Daisy's flaws and wishing his life away trying to recreate a past that can never be.

Daisy the beautiful shell. Hallow, empty, and totally lacking strength of character. Using Gatsby to attain revenge on her "hulk" of a husband Tom for having sordid affairs and flaunting them thoughtlessly in front of her.

Some of the strong themes in this novel are Honesty, Violence, God, Moral Decay and the End of The American Dream.

I hope that if you haven't read this classic that you will before the remake of the movie comes out. There is so much to love here.

Our next book will be:

Traveling Mercies

by Anne Lamott

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fresh-Cut Friday Reminder

Hi everybody! Just a quick reminder that this Friday is Fresh-Cut Friday.

The flower of the month is the Daffodil, but like I always say, don't let that limit you.

Join in with any floral arrangement, or garden picture that you want to share.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fast and Easy Potato Soup

If you have a hankerin' for a rich, creamy, hearty stick-to-your-ribs soup that doesn't take all afternoon to make... This is your recipe! I adapted it from a Gooseberry version...
My modifications are in the parenthesis.

  • 8 slices bacon
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1-1 1/2 cup of left over mashed potatoes (I had to use a package of instant, prepared)
  • (I added a can of sliced potatoes, drained)
  • 10-3/4 oz. cream of chicken soup
  • 2 cups of milk (I used one cup of half and half and two cups of skim milk)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt ( I used cracked black pepper instead. There is plenty of salt in the instant potatoes and canned soup)
In a skillet over medium-high heat, cook bacon until crisp. Remove bacon and set aside. reserving drippings. Saute' onion in drippings; drain. Combine remaining ingredients in a large sauce pan. Crumble in bacon; stir in onion. Simmer until heated through.
Serves 4 without the modifications.

I had this everyday for lunch last week! It just got better and better.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Mixed Bag...

It was a pretty fun weekend ...
Here's the rundown!

Friday night I did some experimenting with the new nail trends. This was my first try at a reverse, French Manicure. Now, seriously, I would not normally buy these colors. However, I had reward points at Ulta and so I made myself pick out 2 colors that I wouldn't buy under normal circumstances. I'm kind of tickled with the out come... I could totally try something more traditional like nude and black. This is not hard to do. I have the tutorial pinned on my Pinterest board labeled Pretty Peddies and Mannies if you are interested in knowing how.
Anyway, CraZy nails are the trend...

I went to the Arizona Antique show Saturday... Big Bummer! There just wasn't anything inspiring. I was looking for a big vintage sign for the kitchen or something that I just couldn't live without. At least something worth photographing...
Nada, ZIP, Zilch, and a big fat ZERO!

So I thought I would show you this sweet little Avon piece of porcelain that I picked up a few weekends ago. I love it.

Saturday night we went to dinner and a movie. Have you heard of Humble Pie?
If your in Phoenix you need to try it. Click here or on the logo to get the locations and menu.

A cute little place that is hoppin' busy and serves some awesome hand tossed, gourmet pizza.
YUMMY goodness! And not terribly expensive.

Plus, for a pizza joint... they serve pretty good coffee!

Then it was too the movie. We saw The Grey with Liam Neeson (I'm a big fan). It was pretty good. I thought that the plane crash was the most realistic action scene I have ever seen. Not that I have ever been in a plane crash, mind you... I'm just saying... this was scarey!! The rest of the movie was good as well. I would recommend it!

My book club is reading The Great Gatsby this month. So, since I just finished the read, I thought that I would watch the movie... my my! Has it really been almost 40 years since this came out? I had forgotten what a beautiful movie it was.
I did thoroughly enjoy it.

I am looking forward to the new version that is coming out.
What about you?

So that is just about it... Sunday evening is usually quiet for us...
getting ready for the work week and all.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sunflower Power

Are you ready for some sunshine?
Do you love sunflowers?

I never thought about them to much until this beauty popped up in our back yard.
What a sweet (and unplanned) surprise.

My sweet Hubs feeds the birds every day. I think that they usually clean things up pretty well.
But somebody missed this one.

It started sprouting and neither of us new what it was. My Hubs said let's just
let it grow and see what we get. I thought it was a weed.
Silly me!

Isn't she beautiful!
Hope your having a lovely Saturday. I'm off to the Arizona Antique Show. I'll show you pictures in one of my future posts. If you want to see some from last years show click here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Valentine Wishes

Pink and red roses...

On sale at Safeway no less...

A pot of Lady Grey from Twinings...

Chocolate and sweet sentiments...

A wistful way to spend any afternoon!

I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL Valentine's Day!

I'm joining in for Pink Saturday

Valentines Day at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie

Seasonal Sunday at The Tablescaper

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fresh-Cut Friday # 19

Well it's time for Fresh-Cut Friday again.
Welcome to all you lovers of flowers!

The flowers for the month of February are Primrose and Violets.

My Grandma Ruth could always grow African Violets.
She always had them on her kitchen window sills.

I don't have very good luck with them though.
I like to keep them at the kitchen sink. So I can keep an eye on them....

They are so sweet!
Whenever I see them I think of her...
I wonder if she knows how often I think of her?

Here are our Primrose...
Again they have a very short life around these parts.
We just enjoy them while we can!

SO! Now it is your turn.
What have you been planting, arranging and admiring?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

I'm joining this parties:

Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home

Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Fridays

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday