Saturday, January 29, 2011

Arizona Antique Market - The Place For Antiques

This is how I opted to spend my Saturday. At the Antique Show. I love going and talking to the dealers. They always are such a wealth of information. Sometimes, I just wish I could do this for a living! I love being with all the old stuff. I always have!

Look at those sweet mixing bowls!

Some pretty Flow Blue....

Looks like a nice time to start a collection of frogs!

Silver spoon? Did anyone need one?

If I had a bunch of money and another room to fill...
I soooo would have bought this gorgeous spool display case!



This is what I found and brought home... Isn't it cute!?

I wish there was a way to see some of the pictures that were taken with this cutie patutie! I imagine that it belonged to a teenage girl and she took lots of pictures at the Grand Canyon. No reason...It's just my imagination, and it can be whatever I say. Maybe she still has those pictures? I hope so. I hope that it helped her to keep wonderful memories.

Any-who! This is it's new home now.

And this is where it will stay!

P.S. Quick Reminder... Next Friday is Fresh-Cut Friday!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Did you know... That Estheticians recommend that you use only white, all cotton washcloths on your face? I didn't know that, but it makes sense. Did you also know that the price of cotton is sky rocketing? We're stocking up!
Got these at Walmart.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When Crickets Cry

January's Girlfriend's Bookclub selection was:

When Crickets Cry

By Charles Martin

From the back of the book:
"In a small town square of a sleepy Georgia town, seven-year-old Annie sits at her lemonade stand, raising money for her own heart transplant. At a nearby store, Reese flips through the newspaper, thinking about the latest boat he’s restoring. As a beat-up bread truck careens around the corner, a strong wind blows Annie’s money into the road. Reese looks up in time to see Annie’s yellow dress fluttering in the wind as she runs into the road. What happens next will change both of their lives forever."

I LOVED this read. It was such a sweet and ironic story. I would easily recommend it! I will also more than likely pick up another one of Mr. Martin's stories. They are very similar to Nicholas Spark's book. So if you love his story telling skills you will also love this one.


For our February selection:

These Is My Words
By Nancy E Turner

From the back of the book:

"These Is My Words uses the love of learning as a major plot element in a story inspired by her great-grandmother, Sarah Prine. It is set during a time in Territorial Arizona when life was hard and tenuous. The story is a portrait of the courage and perseverance of one woman, and a love affair that will never be forgotten."

I chose this book because our book club always reads a love story in February. And while this book has a love story to it... It is also about our state... Arizona. As luck would have our statehood day is ... February 14th! Rich! Right?

I have already started reading it and let me tell you... it is gooooooooood!

OH! P.S. if you ever want to order one of my recommendations... just click on the book carousel on my sidebar.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent-Saturday Morning Project

Well, the weekend is just about over. I hope you all had a good one. Friday night with Terry O was great! I came home completely inspired to get busy. So, I have a couple of projects started and one that I started and finished. It was really easy! And I love me an easy project!

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I have actually been wanting to make it for quite sometime, but I was over perusing The Beehive Cottage and Maryjane just finished a batch. So I thought that I would finally give it a go. I love her blog. She has so many great ideas and crafts. You should go see.
Here is the recipe:
  • 3 bars Fels Naptha Bar Soap - each bar is 5 1/2 oz.
  • 4lbs Borax
  • 4lbs Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
  • 4lbs Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
  • Mix and store in an air tight container
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar for fabric softener

I mixed it in a kitchen garbage bag and then put that in my laundry tin. I trimmed the top so that it wasn't so long and I just roll it down and clip it. Seems to work just fine. I also grated the bar soap by hand so I wore gloves. Not sure that you need them, but the soap is pretty strong.

I use my scoop from my protein shake mix. Just to show you how little it takes... 2 tablespoons per load.

I did 5 loads of laundry yesterday... Jeans, Whites, Colors, and Towels ... I love this stuff! Low sudsing, no phosphates, no dyes and lowcost! I got everything from Fry's (the rest of the world knows them as Kroger's) and for less than $20.00. And really... if I would have been more patient, I could have shopped the ingredients and gotten it all for much less.

My husband has very sensitive skin and a sensitive sniffer. He gave it 2 thumbs up!

I also recommend the white vinegar fabric softener. It really is a wonderful idea. It disinfects your clothes AND it helps prevent soap build up in your machine. It really does work and the smell is clean! You remember that fragrance, right?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pottery Barn Bed and Bath White Sale

Today the new Pottery Barn catalog came...
I think I'm in trouble!

I think I need these frames...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The King's Speech


If you love period pieces... If you love history... If you love anything to do with the Royals...


My hubs took me on Sunday and we both thoroughly enjoyed it! The only thing that I would caution you on is the language. Don't take the little ones. But it is used in such a creative way that you really can excuse it.

"After the death of his father King George V and the scandalous abdication of King Edward VIII, Bertie who has suffered from a debilitating speech impediment all his life, is suddenly crowned King George VI of England. With his country on the brink of war and in desperate need of a leader, his wife , Elizabeth, the future Queen Mother, arranges for her husband to see an eccentric speech therapist, Lionel Logue. After a rough start, the two delve into an unorthodox course of treatment and eventually form an unbreakable bond. With the support of Logue, his family, his government and Winston Churchill, the King will overcome his stammer and deliver a radio-address that inspires his people and unites them in battle."

Go! See! Enjoy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Something Fun and Free

(Click on image)

For all my friends in Phoenix....
Just thought that I would let you know what's
going on at North Phoenix Baptist Church this Friday night....
And it's Free!!!
At the corner of Central Ave and Bethany Home Road
Let me know if you are wanting to go.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Waverly's Primrose Paisley Antique

What do you guys think? This is our "new" comforter set. I picked it up at a consignment shop and I got a pretty good deal on it. I got the comforter, dust ruffle, 2 shams, 2 euro shams, 4 decorator pillows, 4 valances, and 2 sets of panels for drapes.

Waverly's Primrose Paisley Antique

This is the manufacturer's image, but our walls are already this color and our furniture is light oak. I'll be putting it all together this weekend and of course, I'll have pictures for you all.

Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The English Rose Tea Room and English Rose Accents

Well! It was another successful Fresh-cut Friday. Thanks to everyone that joined in. Our next party will be the 4th of Feb. I hope you will plan on jumping in.

These are some more pictures from a little shop called English Rose Accents. This is a sweet, little, gift shop right next to The English Rose Tea Room. SO many pretties.

I'm joining in for White Wednesday at Faded Charm. Make sure you go by and see all the shabby pretties!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome To Fresh-Cut Friday #5

I'm so glad your here.

Today I am sharing one dozen roses.
These are my favorite Roses and they are called Esperance.
They are a floral exclusive.

So when ever I see them I just have to pick them up.

The Esperance

Aren't they beautiful?

Now it's your turn! Let's see your flowers!

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