Well, we are still enjoying the holidays.
I can't believe that we are almost done with the year. Where did it go!?
I have a sweet friend whose grandmother would always say that life is like a roll
of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end the faster it goes!
It's a true statement!!
Our season started early. Before Thanksgiving, actually.
We splurged and bought tickets to the Michael Buble` concert.
All I can say is "WOW! What a treat!"
Add youth to a combination of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and
Sammy Davis Jr. and you have the Michael Buble` show.
What a great entertainer!
We had so much fun!
Yeah... that's the big screen... If you look down at the bottom of the picture you will see
Michael... Thank goodness for technology!
The weekend after Thanksgiving Sweet Daughter came over and helped me decorate the house for the holidays. We had so much fun. What a pleasure to have her at home again.
The cards were out by the first weekend of December.

Of course there were manicures!
For Christmas Eve I made this soup. Short Rib and Barley Stew.
You can find the recipe here.
Oh! This was good! You SHOULD make this!!
And this week I started a new project. A gingham afghan. I'm pretty excited to
see it come together. The pattern is here. I found it on Pinterest.
SO, YES! People really do, actually, make SOME of the things that they Pin!
If you would like to see some of what I call inspiration just click on my Pinterest button
on my side bar.
At any rate... In some ways I am glad to see this year come to an end. I don't want to
go all maudlin on you... but for every fabulous thing that happened we really had
something horrible to deal with.
I'm grateful that the Lord provides balance!
Tomorrow night Hubs and I will share a very nice, quite, early dinner and then, with our
jammies on, will quietly say good by to this year and toast the new year in.
What will you be doing?
Thursday night... I will have the linky up for Fresh-Cut Friday!
I hope you will join in!!