Happy Saturday Morning!
Just popping in to tell you about a wonderful movie that I saw last night...
Classic chick flick (if your an old chick anyway) with all your favs from over the pond!
Caution: mild nudity and adult themes... so not for the young chickies...
So six of us saw it last night and 5 said that they LOVED it!!! Only one said that it was "ok".
Shot in India the scenery and photography is beautiful. The subject matter... well I guess you
could say it it is not only current but relevant as well!
1hr 58min - Rated PG-13 - Comedy/Drama
Director: John Madden - Cast: Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Dev Patel
Director: John Madden - Cast: Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Dev Patel
A group of British retirees decide to
"outsource" their retirement to less expensive and seemingly exotic
India. Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold Hotel
and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they arrive to find the
palace a shell of its former self. Though the new
environment is less luxurious than imagined, they are forever
transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love
can begin again when you let go of the past.
Let me know if you did too.

Sounds fun :)
How would you compare it to Eat Pray Love?
Thanks for the reveiw . It is on my " want to see" list , and I always like hearing other peoples opinions.
I want to see this! Thanks for the great review! It sounds wonderful.:)
I saw it last week. Was nice to see all those wonderful actors together - and the cinematology was very artistic.
I have been looking forward to seeing this and am just waiting for someone to go with me. I am a huge fan of Dame Judy and I also like Dame Maggie and I know the cinematography is supposed to be magnificent. I had been planning to join the Friday flower party but missed. Do you know what the flower is for next month? My yard seems to be about a month behind yours. Have a wonderful weekend. Linda
We love movie night, so we might check this one out! It sounds very cute, and I love Maggie Smith and Judy Dench. Is this an indie film?
Best film I've seen in years. Great story line and brilliant acting. xx
ps, I just read the first persons comment. I loved Eat Pray Love, equally as good.
This is on my "to watch" list.
Yes, God does give us more than we can handle, as HE wants us to lean on Him.
I wanted to let you know that at the 11th hour a miracle has happened. I knew it would :) He is ever faithful. Details will follow soon. Thank you for your encouraging friendship.
I will see the movie. Have you seen the Ladies In Lavender! There is also a very good movie and the movie Calendar Girls. Excellent actor. I wish you a great week! Zinnia
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