Nikki at The Scarlett Rose Garden has given me my very first Major Award!
Check out the cute award I've been given

So here we go.....
THE SMILE AWARD~ here are the rules:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator . Check
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award. Check
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself. Check
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.) Check
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient. Check
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others. Check
7. You must thank your giver. Check
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human). Check
2. Must love one another. Check
3. Must make mistakes. Check
4. Must learn from others. Check Double Check
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world. Check
6. Must love life. Check
7. Must love kids. Check
These ladies all have beautiful blogs. I am so inspired by so many different blogs and it is really hard to pick. So this is who I narrowed it down to:

Her Shabbiness at The Shabby Bungalow
Her Shabbiness lives in a lovely little Bungalow that her family has owned for years. She shares mystery vintage items that she has uncovered. A very lovely blog!
Kelly at The Rose Vine Cottage
Kelly's blog is full of the most pretty feminine pictures! Everytime I visit I feel like I should have my cup of tea. Her's is a pretty, happy blog.
Becca at Of Blue Birds and Roses
Becca has been blogging for a long time! Her blog is also very pretty and I love to see her pretty items that she collects.
Myrna at More Than Heirlooms
Myrna is an artist that creates beautiful pieces and shares well written snippits of life. The one about her dad really got me!
Jannet at Jannet's Country Cottage
Jannet is a lovely talented lady who crochets sweets! They are very cute and calorie free. You can order them or just admire her lovely pictures on her pretty blog.
So that's it in a nut shell! I am on the hunt for the prize for the give-away. Is there anything that any one thinks would be a great prize? I'm thinking that it should be a "rose vignette" HHHHMMM .....
Thank you so much for passing along this lovely award to me!! You made ME smile!!
*APPLAUSE* Much deserved Liz, glad you're enjoying the award!
Off to check out your choice picks!
Yay Mommy! Congratulations!
Congrats on such a nice award. And Thank you for nominating me! I love your blog and feel quite honored I'm one of five you picked to pass it on to.
I will definitely work on sending on The Smile Award to others.
It might take me a few days because I have a few things this week that is going to keep me from my regular posting. I'll probably post about that later this week too.
Thanks again and have a great Monday!! ;)
Congrats on your award & Thank you so very much for thinking of me Liz, I feel so honored!! I will post about it asap
Have a wonderful week and keep up the beautiful work on your blog!!
Hugs, Jannet
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