Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And the Charming Winner is...

I had so much fun and I am so glad that everyone joined in. Thank you to all the lovely, lady bloggers that joined in. You are all real charmers! : )

Okay! This is how I entered the names in the contest. Everyone who posted was entered twice. Once for posting and linking, once for commenting. If you posted a comment you were entered once. I put all the names in a bowl and had my wonderful "handy" husband pull the name.

And the winner is.....

Sweet Jill from At Home in the Country

YAY! Check out her lovely Blog!


Decor To Adore said...

Congrats Jill! You are so lucky.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz... and Congratulations to Jill... how exciting!

Just wanted to let you know that my Charm Bracelet post is now up! Late, but up... LOL


tea time and roses said...

Hello Liz!

Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment! What a beautiful place you have here...just lovely! Congratulations to the winner of your beautiful giveaway! I sure hope you drop in for another visit soon. I just love it when someone new stops to say hello! I will surely be back here to visit and catch on what I've been missing!



Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Horray for Jill! Won't that gift look so nice in her new home~