Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
by Jamie Ford
I'm going to tell you right at the start that this was an awesome read. I can strongly recommend it to you!
This is a very sweet love story that goes back and forth between 1946, the war years, and 1986, the year that the Panama Hotel was purchased and restored. It all unfolds in the area of old Japantown in Seattle. Henry Lee (a Chinese American) is learning to move on after the death of his beloved wife of over 30 years. Passing by the old Hotel one day he finds a curious crowd and news reporters all gathered around the entrance. The lovely new owner has promised to restore the hotel to its original beauty. In the process, the belongings of almost 40 families are found in the basement of the Panama Hotel. Families that were all caught up in the "relocation" of Japanese American citizens to the internment camps of WWII. Henry immediately is transferred back to his 12 year old childhood and to the memories of a precious best friend that he made promises to and never forgot. More importantly he remembers life at a different time. A time when prejudice ruled the day and every American of Japanese descent was a possible enemy. Henry struggles between his loyalties to his wife, who he loved dearly, and the possibility of finding a promise from the past that could be a link to his future.
Let me know if you read it or if you have read it. I would be interested to hear your thoughts.
Also, I am adding another button to my side bar. If you would like to see all of my book reviews just click on it.

That sounds like a really good book. I'll have to look for it at the library. My mom would probably enjoy it too. Thanks for sharing!
This sounds good, Liz! I will keep a watchful eye out for it in my travels, and will let you know if I'm reading it! Thanks, and I look forward to checking in on your book reviews from time to time, as you add to them! ~tina
Hi LIz!!!!
That sounds like a Great book!!!!!
I enjoy reading books that come highly recommended!!!!
I will try and get it!!!!
A small group of AZ ladies bloggers have discussed a day trip to Prescott, AZ, I think Ceekay would love to see the Snow, so I suggested we make a day trip up, have lunch, shop the cute antique stores on whiskey row and head out to see the snow, we could play in it or just see it!!!! Haha
let me know
Friday feb. 5th??????
Leave town at 9 a.m.?????
Sounds like my kind of book. I'll put it on my list. :)
I love to read. I am going to add this to my reading list. Thanks for the book review, it sounds interesting! My mom remembers that time period some and she was telling me about it! I felt so sad for the families that were uprooted to be moved into the camps!
I saw this at the bookstore not too long ago. It sounds wonderful!
i loved this book, one of my favorites!
you need to join in food for thought this saturday, grab the book and find a food passage to recreate, i know there are many! i would love to SEE what you read!
This absolutely sounds like my type of book. Sadly, I am limited to textbooks right now. :)
A reply to your last comment. DO I REMEMBER GEORGE MICHEAL?
Here's a link to an oldie but a goodie. :)
I just finished reading this book last week. I really liked it! Thanks for recommending it!
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