Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall Tablescape

A trial Thanksgiving Day Tablescape to share today....

Here's how the dishes stack up...

Spode Copeland Buttercup

Depression glass.... These were a super bargain! They are the very rare Blue Royal Lace pattern. They are normally about $12-$20 each. I got 6 for $12! (shock and awe)
I think they are gorgous!

Johnson Bros. Turkey plates...

My Burlap Tablecloth is perfect for this Thanksgiving table.
If you want to see how I made it... click here.

Many more lovely tables at Between Naps On The Porch.
Be sure you stop by.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I love the table. All of the dishes are stunning. I have't ever seen the blue depression glass. They are just gorgeous. What a lucky and perfect find. Your tablecloth and the center placemat are just the right linens for this table. The jar holder with the pretty flowers is so lovely. I think your table is gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Charo said...

It's a lovely table, pretty the way how you display the napkins. Also the so beautiful the centerpiece with the flowers.

Deanna said...

Oh I love this!
The Depression glass is gorgeous. You have created a beautiful tt.
God bless and may you have a super Thanksgiving,

Unknown said...

You have put together a beautiful table. I love all the dishes, the turkey plates are real eye candy. I had no ideal they made blue depression glass. I have a collection of pink and I have saw yellow. Loved you table cloth ideal. Thanks for sharing.

Marigene said...

Very lovely Thanksgiving table. Love all of your dishes, the blue Depression glass was a fabulous buy!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Great minds think alike! I have the same turkey dishes. I had to go to 2 Homegoods to get enough. Lovely tablescape.

food with style said...

fabulous! love your turkey plates and super pics~

Decor To Adore said...

Oh I love blue and brown together!

Sharlotte said...

What a pretty table! I love the blue depression glass. What a bargain! Thanks for sharing!

nannykim said...

I love blue and browns together and your tablescape does a nice job of combining them. Pretty plates and a nice deal!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

So Pretty! Thanks for sharing. I need to decide what to do this Thanksgiving - usually do a buffet style dinner & probably will do the same this year due to space - family is growing. That is OK - we are all together and that is what counts.

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Shock and Awe for sure! Those blue drepression plates are so pretty! Great deal! Love the use of burlap for the tablecloth. The Spode Copeland Buttercup is beautiful as are the Johnson Bro. Turkey dishes. Very nice! Hugs!

Kathryn @ Bonafide Southern said...

Oh, what a lovely Thanksgiving table. I love your dishes, and the touches of blue and brown compliment one another beautifully. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

{oc cottage} said...

Love the colors!!!

m ^..^

Carol at Serendipity said...

Very lovely. The Spode is one of my favorites. I will have to start on my Thanksgiving trial settings very soon. Thank you for sharing yours.


Tricia said...

What a beautiful mixing of china patterns! I am trying something for Thanksgiving that uses my grandmother's china mixed with other pieces, and this tablescape is a real inspiration!

Rettabug said...

I could have SWORN I commented on your pretty table last night but its not showing up. :(
Everything looks lovely & I'm GREEN with envy over those depression glass plates. I haven't shown my Mom's pink or green ones yet.
Where did you find the beautiful blue ones????? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL


susan said...

Liz-I have always wanted those turkey plates! Blue and brown is one of my favorite color combos. Read your last post. I am finishing up Beth Moore's study on Eshther right now and have loved it. Not familiar with the one you have but I like BM.

Rebekah@Red's Nest said...

What a beautiful combination of dishes. I have Spode Buttercup and Johnson Bros. His Majesty (very similar to Autumn Monarch) and never thought of combining them. Thank you for the wonderul idea.

Lisa said...

Lovely! The Spode Buttercup is just precious. And your tablecloth is the gorgeous! So many wonderful ideas!

xinex said...

Beautiful plates. You should make it permanent now cause it's really pretty!...Christine

DecRenew Interiors said...

I LOVE your burlap tablecloth!!

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous! I love the pop of blue:)

Maryrose said...

Oh what a pretty table. I love the addition of the blue with the brown...ant those turkey dishes are beautiful. Perfection.
Thanks for sharing

Lori (All That Splatters) said...

I really like the combination of blue and brown! I particularly love the depression glass. Absolutely beautiful!

Sue said...

You did get a bargain on the dishes! I have always loved blue and brown together. I enjoyed my visit!


Mimi said...

HI LIZ!!!!
I think that table is so awesome, love the blue touches, it is something different and makes it so unique!!!! Love the blue depression glass, also the tablecloth, I just might try that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Liz! What a beautiful Fallen table you've set. I love those turkey dishes, I have some too! Now the blue depression glass is so lovely. Don't believe I've ever seen any before.
Everything is just perfect.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Oliva Ohlson said...

I love the ecclectic look of your place settings! I learned something new today: Blue Depression Glass. I don't I've ever seen it! BTW gorgeous tablecloth!

Sarah said...

Beautiful Thanksgiving table. I think it all goes together perfectly. The blue depression glass was a great find. I've never seen the blue. I like it!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you! ~ Sarah

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I really like the blue with the fall colors! I don't think I've ever seen blue depression glass - so pretty! I collect yellow depression glass.

Great tablescape!


Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Hi Liz...Love your Thanksgiving table setting! Wow...never seen Depression glass like that...really beautiful! And they look so nice with the blue stemware. The Johnson Bros. turkey plates look great with your burlap it all!
:-) Susan

Martha said...

A lovely Thanksgiving table -- I love the blue with the brown dishes. What a find on your depression glass! Don't you just love a bargain. A wonderful table to sit down at for Thanksgiving dinner.

Missy Wertz said...

I love your table scape Liz! It is beautiful!

Sonny G said...

truly beautiful Liz.. I love the introduction of the deep blue with the other colors. Unique and delightful to view..
many blessings to you and yours

Pearl Maple said...

Fabulous colour scheme and testing out thanksgiving myself this weekend with a bit of bird theme as turkeys are not so common in these parts.

Your table is full of creative inspiration.

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Oh Wow! This is just gorgeous! And I'm loving that blue depression glass. It's just knock your eyes out pretty! You've put this all togeather beautifully.

Shannon @ Silver Trappings said...

I absolutely LOVE your dishes. And I love the way you mixed them. So pretty! I want those turkey plates!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh, I love those turkey plates and the blue looks so refreshing! I think burlap is perfect here, love the style! Cindy

Its So Very Cheri said...

So many beautiful posts--love the turkey plates
