Bible Journaling

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Last Word....

I promise


 As I have mentioned....  Last weekend I got to deliver the Stained Glass Afghan to Sweet Daughter. 
I thought I would show you how cute it looks in her apartment.
Oh, did I sneak a kitty picture in there.... sorry. 
That is Big. 
He is the most lovable Ragamuffin kitty. 
Just a big, old, floppy cuddle bunny.
He loved the afghan!

 So that's the last you'll hear about that!
I do already have a couple of other projects started. But I haven't 
gotten to far on them yet. Still in the design process.
But I won't be working on them this weekend as I'm cleaning out the craft room. 

 These are a couple of shots from Manito Park in Spokane. 

What an amazing place! 
They have a rose garden that is breathtaking. I'll be sharing some photos from there too. 
That was right before my camera died a sudden death.  No news on that front, other than we think it was the lens. ....sigh....

Well, I'm going into the dark hole (crap eh...craft room) wish me a safe journey!

You all have a wonderful weekend! 

I'm joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday


  1. A lovely and enjoyable post.

  2. Well, if I don't hear from you in a week, I'll send Bentley!!

  3. What a pretty afghan! And what a pretty furbaby. :)
    I know what you mean about those dark holes - I still have a couple around here that I need to tackle.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Your afghan turned out fabulous! I love the ruffle edging and it looks right at home in your daugher's apartment. Great vintage kitchen set, too!

  5. Oh I am sure she loved the afghan, it is stunning. Cute kitty too. So glad you had a great time. Hugs, Marty

  6. Cute cat. I have a couple of fluffy ones myself that hang around my house. Cleaning out a craft room, no fun. But I bet it looks fantastic when you are all done.

  7. HI LIZ!!!
    YOUR Afghan is amazing!!What a great gift for daughter...and she can snuggle up with that this cold winter.......and she can think of her Momma!!!!

  8. Beautiful :D **New Follower**


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