Bible Journaling

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Are you paying attention? Are you looking?

I swear! 
I was driving home the other night and the sunset was so amazing I thought to myself, " Gosh! I wish I could just see the whole sunset without the houses and roof tops blocking it...."

 I came around the corner and it was like God said, 
"Well,  here you go!"  
I, of course, had to stop and snap a picture.
Thank you Lord! 
That just got me through the week.

His amazing love abounds! 

Are you paying attention? Are you watching?


  1. It is GORGEOUS! And I can see His Grace shining through!
    LOVE IT!
    Thank you for sharing it with us too...
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. My sons and I have just been watching a Great Horned Owl right behind our house. We've been hearing him all summer. It is always so amazing to me to see nature. :)

  3. Beautiful. I saw the pink in the sky just a few minutes ago!

  4. glorious!! with your phone or your cam?

  5. Beautiful sunset! We call them God's rays when we see them --

  6. HI LIZ!!!
    GOD IS AN ARTIST for sure!!He delights us daily....yes if we are looking and paying attention!!!So glad you got that pic!!!It is stunning!!!
    hugs 2 U,

  7. Such a pretty sunset. I need to shut up and listen to Him...that's my problem!


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Thank you!