Bible Journaling

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Morning Coffee

My Daily Walk Bible pg 1045

"It's a strange paradox that while the pages of Scripture are soaked with the tears of Jeremiah, David, Hezekiah the Lord Jesus, and a host of others, crying today is often looked upon as a sign of weakness.

Psalm 56:8 paints a vivid picture of God putting our tears in a bottle and keeping track of them in a book. Stoic insensitivity is nothing to be proud of. A man or woman with God's heart for people can't help but get emotionally involved. If you've never done so, ask God to break your heart for people -- to give you the kind of compassion that caused Jeremiah and Jesus to cry over the city of Jerusalem. "

"A Christian should show more concern for people than for Creeds"

I read this and thought how appropriate it was for Memorial Day. Have you cried over the sacrifices made by our men and women in the armed services? Have you cried for their families?

Take time this weekend to think about the price they have paid. Thank God for them and then find a service man or women or family and thank them!

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 28, 2010

"Look Again" By Lisa Scottoline

Back of the book description...
"When reporter Ellen Gleeson gets a “Have You Seen This Child?” flyer in the mail, she almost throws it away. But something about it makes her look again, and her heart stops --- the child in the photo is identical to her adopted son, Will.

Her adoption was lawful, but she’s a journalist and won’t be able to stop thinking about the photo until she figures out the truth. As she investigates, Ellen uncovers clues that no one was meant to discover, and when she digs too deep, she risks losing her own life --- and that of the son she loves."

I really enjoyed this book and would certainly recommend it for a beach read or your book club. You've got romance, mystery and suspense. If you do read it or have read it let me know what you thought. All the ladies in our club loved it.

When we meet again...

"To Kill A Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meet Bob And Becky

Hello! I would like for you to meet my new, old friends, Bob and Becky.

This is Bob and his little puppy, Blacken.

This is Becky and her little puppy, Buffy.

These two little precious-es sat on my sweet Grandmother's kitchen window sill for many, many years. I think that they were named Bob, after my dad, and Becky, for his sister, my Aunt Becky.

Aren't they cute?

I'm joining Suzanne at Coloradolady for


Sue at Sue Loves Cherries for

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie!

Yesterday was Big G's Birthday. So I made my Sweetie Pie a Peach Pie! He loves my Peach Pie and I love him! If you would like the recipe just click here.

Happy Birthday Big G! I'm so glad we have each other!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Morning Coffee

I have been reading through the Bible for the last couple of years. I mean that is how long it is taking me. However, I am sticking to it and I am almost done. Last night I read something that I thought I should share with you.
This is taken from page 1215 in The Daily Walk Bible. It is referencing the restoration of Solomon's Temple after it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzer. The Profit Haggai is encouraging God's people to complete the the rebuilding of the Temple.

My Daily Walk

Every person has exactly the same number of hours in a week: 168. Why is it that some people accomplish so much more with the same amount of hours than others do?

Answer: Priorities. Achievers determine in advance what they want to do, then tackle their tasks in the order of importance Haggai's contemporaries built a Temple in the midst of stiff opposition because that was their number one priority. Now transfer that concept to your spiritual life. What do you want to be able to look back on when you reach the age of 40?...55?...70?... A deep familiarity with the Bible? A consistent prayer life? A family that is walking with God?

If someone were to determine our priorities by looking at the way you spent the last 168 hours, what would they decide? And what will you priorities be as you spend the next 168?



Are your priorities in order? I'm working on mine!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Re-Bag, Re-Purpose, Re-gift?

I hope you keep all those pretty vendor bags.

This is not a new idea and I have been doing this for a little while. But we had a birthday weekend last week and so we had several opportunities to use them up. So I thought that I would share some pictures.

Maybe they will inspire you to use yours up.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Really Great Quote

Thank you to everyone that commented on my 2 questions below. I, personally am a crafter and my little happy place, hide-ee hole is a craft room/office. I feel blessed to have a place to retreat with my thoughts and creative juices.

This quote is so amazing. It is on the cover of the latest issue of Where Women Create. Elizabeth Maxson has painted it on to her desk in her beautiful studio. Any way ... read it twice. It's worth it.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of GOD. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of GOD that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let out own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from out own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

A Return to Love
Marianne Williamson

Manifest the Glory of God and Shine!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Fun Project! AND 2 Quesitons!

This was such a fun and easy little project. I was cleaning out a closet in my
craft room and found all these "left over and abandoned " frames.
They were all in the same 5x7 size range but none matched.
So I painted them all black.

I laid them all out in a pleasing arrangement and got my glue gun out. I glued them in place and then chose a couple of joints and bound them with a natural colored twine.
I then embellished the bound joints with some old earrings. These just happen to be some earrings that I wore in my best friends wedding back in the 90's. Yes! LOL! I kept them all this time. LOL! Love you Debi!
It still needed something so more soooo I added some pretty Jane Austin cards that my sweet daughter gave me for Mother's Day. I love them!

Some tiny paper roses... love these... I bought a whole bag of these for about $1.

This is my finished project... I think it is cute. I hung it in my office/craft room.

On a different note: The difference between a studio and a craft room?
What do you think? What's the difference between an Artist and a Crafter?

I'm linking to:


Thank you Stephanie Lynn!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Thank you Donna!

Thank you Cindy!


Thank you Rory!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pretty Hand-Me-Downs

As I mentioned in my Mother's Day post, I spent the day antiquing
with my Mom on Saturday.

However, I didn't really buy anything, because nothing ever seems to compare to the pretty stuff that she always brings me.

Her touch is everywhere in our home. In fact our house wouldn't even look like it does with out all of the pretty hand-me-downs that she has passed on to me.

It's making my hubby a little crazy. There is always a little more...
or just one more piece... As soon as he hears my mom say " Do you remember that dish of Grandma Ruth's"? He just rolls his eyes and walks off shaking his head.
Fortunately, he knows how I treasure these pretties.

I really have to thank him for tolerating my collection.

Be Blessed!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day!

It is Mother's Day Weekend! Kinda like My Birthday Week!
giggle... he he!

I spent the day with my sweet mom today. Shopping, antiquing and lunching. She and I always want to go to the same places. Or maybe she just wants to go where I want to go. Anyway, I was able to spend some wonderful time with her. Just her and me. She's the best! My very biggest fan and supporter. The first to ever say "I know that you can do that!" "I like yours better." "Honey, YOU are the prettiest, smartest, funniest, most talented...etc. " And she says it like she means it!
What on earth would I be without her unwavering love?!
Thanks MOM!

Tomorrow Big G and Sweet Daughter will be spoiling me. I don't say that in a demanding or expectant way... Just an honest way. They always treat me like THE queen. And I must say, I Love it! I'm fortunate and I know it. It has not always been this way, but I love the way it is now.
I thank the Lord everyday for these 3 very special people in my life.

I thought that I would send you some flowers from my little garden. Know that I love each and every one of you that stops by to see what I'm doing. That you would remember me enough to come back more than once, warms the cockles of heart and flatters me beyond belief.

Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!!