Bible Journaling

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Morning Coffee

My Daily Walk Bible pg 1045

"It's a strange paradox that while the pages of Scripture are soaked with the tears of Jeremiah, David, Hezekiah the Lord Jesus, and a host of others, crying today is often looked upon as a sign of weakness.

Psalm 56:8 paints a vivid picture of God putting our tears in a bottle and keeping track of them in a book. Stoic insensitivity is nothing to be proud of. A man or woman with God's heart for people can't help but get emotionally involved. If you've never done so, ask God to break your heart for people -- to give you the kind of compassion that caused Jeremiah and Jesus to cry over the city of Jerusalem. "

"A Christian should show more concern for people than for Creeds"

I read this and thought how appropriate it was for Memorial Day. Have you cried over the sacrifices made by our men and women in the armed services? Have you cried for their families?

Take time this weekend to think about the price they have paid. Thank God for them and then find a service man or women or family and thank them!

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Your first paragraph is so appropriate for me...I grew up surrounded by I understand what you are driving at - especially since some of those stoics were definitely more creed oriented than compassion oriented...thanks for sharing this...

  2. Hi Liz!!!
    Yes, I have often in fact, I think crying is so cathartic --church yesterday showed a brief clip from Saving Private Ryan and made me cry, always does. I am so Appreciative to all service Men/Women past and present, they are true heroes in my book.
    Have a great week


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