Bible Journaling

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Apple A Day......

Keeps the Doctor away!

Thursday is almost over and Friday is coming. We have so many plans for this weekend that we have back up plans. When I say plans I mean projects. Finish painting the house is the top of the list. Hopefully it won't rain and we can do that. Otherwise.... Plan B rolls in to place. Clean the house and paint the window seat. Or make the oblong burlap tablecloth or or or .....
See what I'm saying?


  1. Sounds like our weekend!!! Lots to do!

  2. As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters. We are off on our last out of town college visit.

  3. Suppose to be a great day. Hope you get all your work done. Have fun. Hugs, Marty

  4. What a charming vignette. Sounds like a very full weekend. I've lost my very long list of things I need to do. Out of sight, out of mind! laurie

  5. Girl, if it ain't one thing, it's two! LOL!

  6. I am empathizing.

    Do I pack for my trip?
    Continue to work on my mountains of schoolwork? (Not fun.)
    Finish the hutch?
    Clean my dreadfully dirty house?

    Let's whistle while we work.

  7. Yep, I know the list. This rain on the weekend is messing up my plans...

  8. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. Its great to have company especially during the long snowy days. I added you to my live blog roll and alphabetical blog links list. I'll be stopping back some more....out to shop now, Dianne

  9. Can't find your email button.

    Another to be on your blog roll. My blog name is
    C. Dianne Zweig Kitsch n Stuff(but just use Kitsch n Stuff is you don't have room. I added you and love your blog.


  10. Sounds like a busy weekend. I love your header.

  11. Hi Liz!!!
    I love lists of things to do and plans to do things, it keeps me focused and gets things done!!!!
    How fun, I love that pic you snapped of the apples!!! Green apples are the best!!!!!
    Have a fun honey do kinda of weekend!!!!
    Our AZ bloggers luncheon is getting planned and will probably be in march or April!!!
    have a great work fun weekend!!!

  12. Hi Liz,

    I am in love with that picture, your canisters are so gorgeous sweetie!! It's been such a crazy busy winter here and your weekend plans sound like mine :) lol. The weather gets in my way and messes with my schedule , but I'm trying to get ahead :)

    Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving such sweet comments!

    Big Hugs, Cynthia xo

  13. What a lovely picture!! Oh, good luck with your painting. I'm doing the same thing!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!