Bible Journaling

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Really Fabulously Bad Guys or You Handsome Devil You!

I was watching the finale episode of Dexter season 2 this morning (my hubs got season one and 2 on DVD for Christmas, the best way to watch TV in my opinion)
and I started thinking...

hmmmm....Is there trend here?

Dexter: A charming, sexy, serial killer. Killing with a code.

Edward: A misguided vampire. A monster choosing to be and do good.

Prison Break: Just two brothers in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Batman: The Dark Knight

All of these guys are tortured bad guys doing good. Or are they good guys doing good. Or are they just the men who are strong enough to do the right thing. To make a decision and stick to it. To see what is right and just and follow through to finish a job that is started.

Really? Seriously!
That's just a bunch of hewy. These are all super, sexy, heroes that are fun to watch. Do any of you love watching these guys as much as I do?


  1. Liz, sorry girl I have never seen a one of them..I really don't do TV that much any more..but did love the Sorpanos when they were on...and I bought all seasons dvd's so we could watch them last winter when we could't get out from the snow..hugs and smiles Gloria

  2. Well I think you know how I feel about all three of them... <3<3<3

    But seriously, I'm having Dexter withdrawals since Season 3 isn't out on DVD yet! :(

  3. ... and I don't really know about Prison Break but I'll take your word for it!

  4. Right there with ya! :) I love escaping into Tv sometimes, Its fun! I havent seen Dexter, but I'll have to be on the lookout now!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments and for stopping by!

    Happy 2009 Liz! hugs, Cynthia

  5. Christian Bale as Batman all the way;^)...

    I would add Nick St. James from Moonlight as well..I'm still miffed that they canceled that show.

  6. OOps..I meant Mick St. James..not Nick.

  7. My daughter got me a "Team Edward" keychain as a joke for Christmas but I am SO using it. :)


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Thank you!