Bible Journaling

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hooty Hoooo!

I got my Camera! A Canon Rebel xs!Sweet! Now hopefully I won't shoot my eye out! : )
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and holidays!


  1. I got a new camera too. Love it already! We will have to plan a get together soon!

  2. I got a new camera that santa must have been busy delivery all these camera this year..WAY to go girl...hugs and smiles Gloria

  3. Wow what a lucky dog you are.

    That's is one of the best ones out there. I've been looking at those too.

    I know you had a Merry Christmas

  4. You must have been a really good girl for Santa to bring you that camera! Congratulations...and Happy New Year, ;-) Bo

  5. I hope all of these bloggers who got new cameras for Christmas will be blogging about how they like their new cameras and what they like about them. I decided to wait until after Christmas to get a new one, with hopes that they'll be on sale, but I have no idea which camera to get. I'll be back to see how your pictures look with this camera. laurie

  6. Oh yippie!!!! I am so glad for you! We were at the camera store the other day and my husband almost bought the Rebel. He got another Canon and LOVES it. You are going to have so much fun playing with it!!!!! It takes great pics!


  7. Ok...i am ready to be WOWed by some fab pics!!!

  8. What a lovely gift. My camera is several years old but brand new to me as I got camera lessons this week so I could learn to put photos on my blog. So it is all new to me. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
    Roberta Anne

  9. That's the camera I have! YOU are gonna love it! You just can't take a bad photo with it!
    Happy New Year!


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!