Bible Journaling

Monday, December 29, 2008

Anthropologie Measuring Cups...Kitchen Cuteness!

Just some very cute measuring cups from Anthropologie, WHOOO was having a humungaloid sale the day after Christmas.... alas ... these were not on sale. But you can surely understand why I had to have them! Right?


  1. Beautiful first time here...will visit again to share in your beautiful vignettes!

  2. I think I HAVE to have them too!! They are fabulous...I may be taking a little trip to Anthropologie today...thanks for sharing :-)

  3. Hi Liz...It never fails when I go to a sale my choices usually aren't on sale either..haha...hey, I learned a new word from you today..humungaloid...
    LOL, ;-) Bo

  4. Hi Liz, :)

    ~TOO CUTE! I'm going to check these out.
    Thanks for sharing.

    I love Anthroplologie as well and posted about them yesterday. Stop by if you have time.

    Have a wonderful evening. ~Melissa :)

  5. I absolutely understand why you had to have them, of course you needed them or how would you be able to measure anything? I think there are lots of women who may need them too!
    Roberta Anne

  6. Hiya Liz! Happy New Year!

    These measuring cups ARE fab!! Can't blame ya~

    Loved your Christmas decor. Gorgeous table scape.

    Heehee... congrats on the camera, I cracked up at "shoot your eye out"...

    I spied your antique sewing machine and cash register(?), very cool displayed. Thanks for the idea!

    Look forward to your posts with your new camera!!

  7. I too hit the after Christmas Anthro sale... cute measuring cups. I was there for dishes myself....wishing I had also gotten those though.

  8. Those are too cute! How could anyone resist?
    Debbie Howard


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