Bible Journaling

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Have a healthy, safe and

To all my wonderful new blogging friends, whose every comment is a gift, thank you for visiting and always having something nice to say. I wish you all prosperity and great joy in the new year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Anthropologie Measuring Cups...Kitchen Cuteness!

Just some very cute measuring cups from Anthropologie, WHOOO was having a humungaloid sale the day after Christmas.... alas ... these were not on sale. But you can surely understand why I had to have them! Right?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hooty Hoooo!

I got my Camera! A Canon Rebel xs!Sweet! Now hopefully I won't shoot my eye out! : )
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and holidays!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


May the real blessings of this season be yours. Not just at Christmas but all year through.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Table Scape Tuesday!

Today I am sharing some table scapes from last years Christmas Tea and from our Christmas Eve Dinner. The pictures aren't that great, but I haven't had time to put together a table with my Christmas Dishes.

I usually host a Ladies Tea for one of the Ladies Bible Studies at my church called Tea and Comfort. These ladies are from all different backgrounds. They are typically in some sort of transition in their home life. Abuse, abandonment, teen pregnancy, financial, homeless and just all kinds of hard times. The tea is just a way to bring a little "special" to the Christmas Season for them. Every year there are about 20 to 30 ladies. It is a lot of work and my sweet husband helps me. I couldn't do it with out him.

Here is a cute table for two....My sweet Mom cross stitched this Christmas tablecloth.
The tables are always a little crowded.... and I have to serve it buffet style.
I didn't host it this year for the first time in 5 years. My Mom has been in the hospital and there just isn't the time for the extras. I really missed doing the party. I think that I always end up with the biggest blessing. That's the way it is with serving.

This is our Christmas Eve Table from last year. Pretty simple. But still special. I am so impressed at how chargers make such a huge difference.

I love the idea of place cards and place card holders, but I hate making anybody feel like they have to sit somewhere. So I used all the names of the reindeer.

Christmas Eve is simple but busy for us. Candle Light Service, light dinner, then PRESENTS!

What is your Christmas Eve Tradition?

Just in case you have been deprived, and don't know about Susan's blog, Between Naps on the Porch, you should go there. It is full of beautiful table scapes and decorating ideas.