Bible Journaling

Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy Friday to you!

I wanted to say something about bible journaling. 
I have already shared the why and how here.
Now, I want to talk about something else. 

Every time I chat with someone about my journaling, I always hear the same thing!

"But I'm not artsy." or "I could never learn to draw like you do."
And every time I hear that I say the same thing. "You don't have to
be able to draw." 
 I always mean it. 

While these are a few of my favorites, I didn't start out doing pages like these. 
Some of my first pages are very much "not pretty."
These are after some practice, and a lot of trial and error. And the truth of the matter is I have 
no art training, at all! Its just something that I discovered that I really enjoy. 
And obviously the more you practice the better you get.

But the reality is that, if you want to journal,  you have to start. And you need to start somewhere.
If I'm perfectly honest, I would tell you that I wish I didn't have those "experiment" pages in my 
bible. But then I wouldn't have spent that time with the Lord in his word and I truly believe that he has blessed my time that I spend in the bible. 

So let me show what I'm talking about.

Here are a few pages that I did using only my old scrapbook supplies. 

This page (which I love) is nothing but scrapbook paper, (cross) Stamp (the wood grain background) and stickers (crown, roses, and letters) 

This one has some simple lettering but the heart is a stamp, the parenthesis are scrapbook elements, and the black stripe with polkadots is washi tape. 

This one is the most simple one yet... a sticker and washi tape. 
I hope this helped to take some of the fear out of Bible Journaling.  Remember, we all want 
beautiful pages, but that isn't the reason that you start bible journaling. Its to study His word and life and to try to be more like Him.


  1. Well said Liz. Also we must remember that all art is subjective. I personally think all your pages are a lovely, personal gift of praise to God.

  2. I think your "first" artwork is great! I think I'll ask for a Journal Bible for my upcoming birthday!

  3. Beautiful post Liz. The last couple lines hit it - it's about spending time with the Lord and growth! Takes place IN us complimented BY our art. I have taken my color books and added scripture to them as I have yet to find the right journaling bible.

  4. Can you please tell me where you purchased the Bible from. I so want one but not to sure wheres a good place to get one. HELP 😁 I think it is so wonderful to nelp study and remember by drawing certain things. Yours looks so lovely. Im a new follower. Thank you with love Janice


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!