Bible Journaling

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May's Fresh-Cut Friday

Hello! And welcome to this edition of Fresh-cut Friday my lovely friends! 

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)
meaning: Return of happiness

 I have to say that this month's FCF selection is one of my all time favorites. 
Unfortunately, I live in a desert! SO Lily of the Vally is no where to be found. 
I even tried to order some from the local florist.... She just gave me "the stare".
You know the look... the one that communicates " are you an idiot"? 

It's okay though. My brother brought me these gorgeous tulips on Easter Sunday. 

I thought they were pretty and I loved it that my brother brought them! 
They lasted well over a week. 

Did you have any floral arrangements on Easter? 
I hope you did and I hope you will join in and share your post 
by linking below! 

I'm going to be joining:
Lavender Garden Cottage


  1. I don't think we can get Lily of the Valley here either. At least I've never seen it. The tulips would make me smile though. Tulips are one of my favorites.
    Thanks for hosting and Happy May Day!

  2. How sweet of your brother, Liz, to gift you with the pretty tulips. Thank you so much for hosting your lovely party.

  3. Your tulips are gorgeous, wish I had some around here, but they don't grow them here as they need four seasons I understand. Very sweet of your brother!
    Thank you for hosting and have a fun weekend.

  4. Oh I love the tulips, they are one of my favorites. Hope all is well.

  5. No flowers this month, well so far. I love the smell of Lily of the Valley. And yes, I know that look!

  6. I love lily of the valley. But your tulips are gorgeous! Great table too.

  7. Hello dear Liz

    My apologies for arriving late.
    What a beautiful bouquet of tulips from your brother - the colours are wonderful!

    It is hard to find Lily of the Valley here now too.
    My mother had a wonderful bed on the cold side of the house as they don't like being in the sun - their fragrance was divine.

    Thank you for hosting your party - I'll be on time next month - promise!

    Shane x

  8. LOVE tulips and yours are stunning! Thank you for hosting a great party!

  9. What a sweet brother, Liz! They are beautiful I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  10. Beautiful flowers! I love the lily of the valley.


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!