Bible Journaling

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Quiet Signs of Kindness

I know that there are parts of the blog-i-sphere that are not kind. 
But that is not my experience.
I have only seen encouragement, friendship and support.

All I know is that you all mean the world to me! 
Thank you so much for all your kind words.


  1. You only leave kind comments and great compliments too, so you deserve all the great hugs and love you receive. Hugs, Marty

  2. Unkindness comes back to them, hope they aren't too surprised when it happens back.

    You are a sweet gal, hope you never experience anything but joy in Blogland.

    Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

  3. Yep! And they hide behind a computer monitor. A shame they don't use that same time and energy doing good in the world.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. I couldn't agree with you more. So many sweet people. :)


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!