Bible Journaling

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Color of the Week #4

Gouda Gouda Two Shoes

Great color! Right?
OPI is the best nail polish on the market. I have tried so many different brands
and I always come back. The formula and coverage are always consistant. 

Did you know that nail color is one of the hottest beauty trends going right now? 


  1. Hello Liz,

    I most often come to your blog and would love to leave a comment but it didnt work..and today I just knew how that it could be works. and yes it worked now hehe :)

    Anyway, I love this soft of the color and also the blue one other day. I bet you must be good fashioner ;)your chosen is always good.


  2. For years I kept the french manicure on my nails and loved it. Since we moved I haven't found a salon that I really like so I've been keeping my nails super short and painted. Love it!

  3. Working on a new post I came across this image and thought of you. :)

  4. This is more my color...I think it would work with whatever clothes I wore....


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Thank you!