Bible Journaling

Friday, August 31, 2012

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

Pull up a sweet spot to sit, and lets chat!

Every summer The Girlfriends Lit-n-Latte Book Club pick an epic, or what I like to call "a major classic".  We skip a month so that we actually have 2 months to read the chosen selection.  This year's summer reading selection was 
Les Miserables
by Victor Hugo

I just want to start this book review by saying there are few books that I can actually say will enrich your life. Les Miserables is one of those stories. In my humble opinion, it should absolutely  be required reading.  
I also want to say that if you have seen the movie or the play, you have seen only about half of the story. It is so layered and so rich that there would be no way to include the entire story in a 3 hour period. 
I caution you that at 1700 pages,  you may be tempted to read a very abridged edition... Don't do it. I read the Barns and Noble Classics Abridged and edited edition and at 900 pages it was still a challenge, but I still got all the details.  Several of the ladies from the club that read even further consolidated issues missed some very critical bits and pieces to the story. I want to encourage you to just buckle down, read it, and I promise you will not be able to put the story down.

The story line is full of layers and layers of  coincidence, spiritual inspiration, morals, wisdom, deep grief, and a great deal of human misery. But it is also full of love, forgiveness, and great joy. 
 The characters are rich and I fell in love with all of them. The evil characters are so evil and good characters are so good that I had a visual depiction of them as I read the book.

I really did love this book. I will read it again. 

I'm joining Ricki Jill for Literary Friday.

And Honey for Potpourri Friday

Pick up a good book and read it!


  1. Oh!! I am so glad you made it through. The unabridged gets better every time you read it.

    I am so glad you saw what an important and epic (in every sense of the word) book this is!!

  2. I think I need to revisit all the classics! I have never read the book but of course have seen the movie and play. I know I would enjoy reading the book. Thanks for the great review.:)

  3. Thanks you so, so much for linking up! YAY!!! I have never read Les Miserables, and you are certainly inspiring me to read it. I love that you have macarons on your post....I am addicted to them because they are made with almond flour and are gluten-free!

    I am taking a break from my book club for a little least until after the election. The political talk gives me a headache!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  4. Calling by from Literary Friday, Les Miserables is definitely one of the great classics. I recommend you to The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Hugo as well.

  5. Wow Liz, after reading your review I am putting Les Miserables on my to read list. Must admit to not seeing the movie.

    Blessings to you,

  6. I cannot begin to tell you how many of the antique books of this story I have had and sold in the shop. However, I am now curious to read the entire story myself. The movie is coming out and is on my list of those to go and watch. The cast is wonderful, too. Thanks for the insight, Liz.


  7. I must confess I've never read the full book because of the 1700 pages, but with your words will add this one to my list, probably on my Kindle since it will be easier to carry around ;)

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts at Potpourri Friday!


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Thank you!