Bible Journaling

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fresh-Cut Friday # 19

Well it's time for Fresh-Cut Friday again.
Welcome to all you lovers of flowers!

The flowers for the month of February are Primrose and Violets.

My Grandma Ruth could always grow African Violets.
She always had them on her kitchen window sills.

I don't have very good luck with them though.
I like to keep them at the kitchen sink. So I can keep an eye on them....

They are so sweet!
Whenever I see them I think of her...
I wonder if she knows how often I think of her?

Here are our Primrose...
Again they have a very short life around these parts.
We just enjoy them while we can!

SO! Now it is your turn.
What have you been planting, arranging and admiring?

I'm joining this parties:

Honey at 2805 for Potpourri Friday

Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home

Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Fridays

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday


  1. Hi Liz, I love Primrose but I dont do too well with them. I'm not a good housplant/flower keeper. All my indoor plants have a very short life. My husband takes care of them when I do buy a houseplant..
    At the moment I only have supermarket bought flowers but thought I would show my trip to Flora in Winter..Thanks for hosting
    such a great party. I always look forward to participating..

  2. Hi Liz-
    I haven't tried African Violets in years! They too remind me of a relative in the family. I have a pot of Baby Tears still growing from last summer that I'm excited about. I wasn't sure how well it would do but so far so good! I planted Primrose up here a long time ago but it didn't seem to last. I should give it a try again.
    Thanks for hosting!!

  3. Hi Liz!!!

    I love those violets & primroses! Our college sorority blooms were African Violets - brings back old memories! :)

    Anyway, thanks again for hosting - I am sharing a single rose this time. :) Happy February to you!


  4. Beautiful! My grandmother had wonderful luck with African Violets too! Your Primrose is lovely! Thanks for hosting :)

  5. Hi Liz! Thanks for letting me know about Fresh-Cut Friday! It is so nice to see these lovely flowers!


  6. Hi ! I found you via My Romantic Home. I too am a flower lover , I was a florist for 16 years. I shared my indoor garden project ( terrarium) with you. I'm now following to cause this is my kind of party !

  7. Oh I love primroses and violets! Any plant indoors this time of year is wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I linked up!

  8. Bonjour Liz,
    I am happy to participate in your challenge. I love those African violets. Mine are white...
    Have a nice day. Here, in France, we are frozen...Brrrrr !
    AmitiƩs, Mylise

  9. Hi Liz, I'm just too excited about joining you today. I really admire your violets in your teapot, so pretty and your primrose is gorgeous. Thanks for hosting, wish you a lovely weekend.

  10. What a great event! I love both of your featured flowers, I usually buy primrose each spring. Thank you for your nice message and invitation!
    Cheers, Andrea

  11. Gorgeous teapot - I love how your blooms look it.

  12. I love how your little African violets are planted in the pretty teapot. This is one of your sweetest posts, liz. WHenever I see jonquils, I always think of my grandmother because she always planted jonquil bulbs in her flower beds. Thanks so much for hosting! :D

    Ricki Jill

  13. Primroses are one of my favorite. I haven't had much success with them though. My grandmother could grow them like you wouldn't believe! I haven't had an African violet in a while. I think I may pick one up today!

  14. Hi Liz!
    Your little ruffle-edged violet is GORGEOUS! I am amazed at the violets in my own kitchen window--never ever would have thought they'd be thriving. It's a sunny Eastern exposure, and they're not right against the glass...we keep them moist.
    I don't know if that will help!
    I love the teapot you have yours in. Happy Friday! I wish I had something to link in today, but I will just have to go get inspired by visiting everyone else!

  15. Your post is so lovely with Violets and Primrose. I have added a post from the past. Violets were also my mother's favorite. Thank you so much for hosting.

  16. Hi Liz, the violets are so lovely....just gorgeous.

    Many thanks for hosting.


  17. Hi Liz! I just linked up. Love your primroses and violets. I just can't get enough. I'm so looking forward to spring!

  18. Hi Liz! I hope this isn't comment #3 that I've left on your blog! Remember I told you I'm not tech-savvy. I signed up for your blog and posted a photo of us at Kierland when Eric was shopping for Janna's Christmas gifts. I love your blog, hopefully I post this comment correctly (and not for the third time) -Teresa

  19. Hi Liz ~

    I found you through the blog garden and so glad I did. Love the idea of your blog party so I joined in. I almost bought some Aftican violets the other day, not even knowing it was the month of violets!

    Lovely blog. I'll be back again soon!

    Ciao and happy gardening,

  20. Beautiful post! My Mom loves African Violets and she's excellent at growing them (propagate) and tending them. Not me :-(. TFS

  21. Oh yes, Primroses don't last much in our parts either. My African violets are just now blooming thanks to our unseasonable winter.

    Otherwise, I am just thinking about how I need to prune my roses.

    Love your African Violets and that they remind you of your grandmother.


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Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!