Bible Journaling

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wish Me A Merry Christmas

Have you seen anyone wearing a button that says it's okay to wish me Merry Christmas?

Is it just me or is that the saddest thing you have ever heard?
Really? I have to tell you that it is okay?

Do you feel like your being antagonistic if someone says "Happy Holidays" and you reply
"Merry Christmas!"

All I have to say is... "Where's the tolerance?"

At least Target has a big banner that says Merry Christmas this year.
JCPenny still has Bell Ringers for Salvation Army.

If you would like to use my image...please do!
Merry Christmas!

P.S. If you would like to buy a button to wear... click here!


  1. It is so very sad. A few years ago the Mr. and I decided to quit going to places that told their employees to not say "Merry Christmas", thankfully most of them have come to their senses. xo

  2. We were listening to a radio station on our way to Boston, a christmas music radio station. They would play calls that came in one guy was saying one of the towns wouldn't even call a tree a christmas tree. They sent a letter saying when they would pick up their holiday tree.
    What silliness there is in this country.

  3. I just try to keep in mind, WWJD? He would want Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men. All men.
    So although it takes half a second more, I say Merry Christmas followed by Happy Holidays. The last covers those who celebrate Ramadan, Channukah, Kwanza, the new year and Epiphany.
    Peace to all.

  4. My oldest makes a point of very happily telling people Merry Christmas. I am not sure why but people always respond very positively.

  5. I automatically say Merry Christmas without thinking about it. If I know that someone does not celebrate Christmas, then I will say Happy Holidays.
    Thanks for stopping by and very nice comment.

  6. My goodness! People are just too doggone touchy! I just try to receive things in the spirit in which it is given, regardless of what is said. It's all so sad isn't it?

  7. Dear Liz,
    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas...I never hesitate to say those words..If I offend anyone they can just turn the other cheek..just like I do when I'm offended..peace on earth...

  8. I agree with you...I always say "Merry Christmas". If someone else prefers another expression then they can say that but I prefer and always say "Merry Christmas"! Sometimes I follow it with "And, Happy Holidays". I think the stores are beginning to come back around to using the term "Merry Christmas" too.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

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