Bible Journaling

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to pop in and say Happy Mother's Day!
I sure hope you are having as wonderful a day as I am.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the best Fresh-Cut Friday yet!

You know... My Fresh-Cut Friday post was officially my 400th post!

Who would-a thunk I had THAT much to say?!

Anyway... I am considering a Giveaway to celebrate. I mean you can't just

let you 3rd year and 400th post go by unnoticed... Am I right?


  1. Liz, stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. 400 posts ~ wow! Congratulations! ~ Sarah

  2. Congratulations...400 posts! That is a lot to say! I want you to know that I have enjoyed every visit! And I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


  3. Hope you had a wonderful day!
    400 ? I was amazed when I hit 200. :D Have a great week.

  4. Happy Mother's Day! I hated to miss out on Friday's party. It really made me sad, but we spent the day doing the chicken coop project--which is also what we did TODAY!
    Those better be some happy chicks! Lol!
    Hope your day was truly lovely, and congrats on 400 posts! WOW!

  5. Happy Mother's Day to you too and I hope you had a very good one!

  6. Congrats Liz! That is quite an accomplishment!
    BTW I hope you had a marvelous Mother's Day!

  7. Your Fresh Cut Friday was quite populare last week! Congrats on 400!!

  8. I love your little tea party favors. They are the exact colors of my kitchen. Do you have any extras and could I buy one from you.



Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!