Bible Journaling

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet Like Grapes!

Oh My Goodness!
We are experiencing a very bountiful crop of grape tomatoes this year. Let me tell you! They are deeee-LISH! Grape tomatoes are supposed to be the easiest to grow. I think I have proven that! HA!


  1. These are my favorites! I hope ours are bountiful too! Our garden here in Michigan is starting to take off!

    Thanks for stopping by...I love planning parties and showers! Sometimes I feel like I have ideas constantly swimming through my head! Good luck with your shower!

  2. Look at you! You've already got a bumper crop! It's got to be all that Arizona sun.:)

  3. Oooh! I love grape tomatoes! I eat them like candy! You are one very lucky lady. :)

  4. Oh yum! A little feta and olive oil and I would be set.

  5. You can definitely join my party, I would love to have you, in fact, this weeks party is up. Can't wait to get home and catch up with everyone's lives and blogs.


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Thank you!