Bible Journaling

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Button, Button, I have toooo MANY Buttons!

I was cleaning out a "supply box" in my office and came across all these old buttons!

So believe it or not I was actually sorting them... yes, yes I know!
As I age I think that I am exhibiting signs of OCD and ADD.

My hubby is a little concerned... to say the least...

Anyway... I was sorting away and looked over at my desk and the lighting was so perfect that I felt obligated to capture the moment. Is this a distraction?
Or just being creative and free spirited? LOL
Did I mention this was the Saturday that at one time I was washing, drying and folding laundry, cleaning the house, blogging, and sorting buttons?

The buttons still aren't sorted.... but the laundry and house are clean.

This is Sweet Daughter's high school picture. She has
decided to go on to law school in August.
I will miss her so much but I'm so proud of her.
Love you Big Girl!


  1. Your pictures are so sweet, Liz. I love buttons, too and not only do I save the extras, I buy them up at thrift stores. I have never even made anything with buttons. Maybe I should try to come up with something creative!

    Congratulations on your daughter going in to law school. I wish her the very best!


  2. Love the paris planter and how the light is coming through the window. So pretty. Sorting buttons is a big job, you do have a lot, but you always create such beautiful things. I know you will use them all. Hugs, Marty

  3. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm u mention ADD and lol...then get distracted from your button sorting! LOL!! I do that all the time!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Love this! I do the same thing...please tell me it is not old 50 old age...uuuggghhh!

    I have a thing for vintage buttons. I don't even do anything with them I just love how they look and want them...

    Your pics are wonderful I am glad you had an OCD...ADD moment and stopped to take them...beautiful!

    What wonderful news for your must be so proud:)! That is quite an accomplishment!

    I am thrilled to have you put my picture on your sidebar...I will do the same with your button! So glad we have found each other!


  5. HI!!!
    Now we have something else in common, our children in LAW SCHOOL!!!MY Son starts his last year of Law School in August!!!!OH YEAH!!!he did get hired for an externship with the City Of Mesa, a paid one at that!!!!!
    He will get alot of trial experience while doing this too!!!!YEAH!!!!
    GREAT for your darling daughter!!!!
    Congrats to her!!!WHich Law School is she going off to???}
    Our son started off at Barry Law school in Orlando, Fl a small Private catholic Law School, he did get a small scholarship there!!But got accepted back here in AZ!!!!!
    Love the SPOON display, it is AWESOME!!!!!I have an old baby spoon from my Granny, sadly I do not recall who it belonged to, That is why you ask alot of questions and write it all down!!!
    Great entire wall, love it all!!!!
    I need a tour of your house too!!!

  6. Ok you can NEVER have too many buttons!! ;) Congrats on your Daughter going to Law School!! I know you are proud! Happy weekend sweetie!

  7. Hi Liz,
    Very sweet picture of your daughter. You will hear from her often I am sure, daughters are that way. Your little bird bath picture is beautiful, very distracting for sorting buttons for sure! Glad everything else got done though.

  8. Oh I love what you did with the spoons. I have a dear collection and might have to copy cat. :)


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