Bible Journaling

Monday, September 21, 2009

Kikusui- Made in Japan

Today will be my first Blue Monday. I am linking up with Sally at her blog SmilingSally. If you would like to see other lovely blues then head on over. Thank you Sally!

Has any one heard of Kikusui? I am very interested
in knowing a little
more about the company. I went on to
Replacements.Com and they didn't
have anything like this pattern or any history on the company.

I was in a Junk store...I mean a JUNK store...not an antique store...and I was just about ready to leave, when I spied this set on a back shelf. They were marked $9.00 for the set. Then on the creamer there was a sticker that said $2.oo for the set and on the sugar bowl a sticker that said $1.00. Soooo, not willing to pay $3.00 for the set, I asked the toupee-d man if that meant it was $1.00 for the set? He looked at me and said "Ya! Shooor! Cash?"
He was kinda funny in an odd way....
He kept trying to get me to buy some nasty old fishing I said...odd.

So that is my major bargain....I think?
The creamer has a couple of hairline cracks,
but doesn't leak. I think that they are probably
from the '50's.
I just love them.


  1. He does sound on the odd side. Congratulations on your find. Looks very pretty too.

  2. Even if you don't use them, they're adorable for just sitting around! Great deal!

  3. What a cute set! And a great deal!

  4. Good Monday Morning! LOVE the sugar and creamer set, and I'm SURE I would have grabbed those too for blue kitchen!.. VERY sweet, and a sweet price too! Happy Birthday to your Mama, and a very Happy Anniversary to you and your beloved as well! Happy Blue Monday to you! ~tina

  5. Interesting. Yup, that's the word that comes to mind. The company name is, the guy selling them too :-)And will 3 price tags, lucky that it's $1 :-)Sorry, not familiar of the name.

    Happy Blue Monday! And Belated Happy birthday to your Mom, and Anniversary to you.


  6. I love them too. Happy 1st Blue Monday.

  7. The color is wonderful and you certainly got a bargain. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  8. Hi Liz, welcome to Blue's a great day.
    Happy belated anniversary.
    Love your treasures.
    Love Claudie

  9. Happy birthday to your mom and Happy Anniversary. And...Hapy Blue Monday. Happy, happy, happy!!!

    Yes, the man sounds like an odd duck, yet I have met very few 'normal' people in these shops!! lol!

    Lovely set. Have you tried to Google the name?? Let us know what you find!


  10. Yeah its lovely for a buck only woow. great deal.
    Thanks for sharing and happy blue monday!

  11. They are too cute, Liz!! Keep investigating! You may have a real find on your hands!!

    Hope you're doing well, sweetie and that your week is wonderful!!

  12. They are really pretty. Happy first Blue Monday today is my first as well.

  13. Sounds like you had a great find! Also happy belated anniversary to you and your hubby!


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