Bible Journaling

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tea Time Tuesday! #4

This week for Tea Time Tuesday I am showing the last table from the Ladies Tea and Luncheon at our Church.

This table is my table. I kept it pretty simple. Usually I would haul everything in, but this year I felt the need to down size. Plus I usually do 8 place settings and this year I did 10. So I didn't want to make the table too crowded.

As you can see... I kept it Mary Engelbreit....
You can't go wrong with Blue, White, Red and Black!

Cherries, Polka-dots and Checks! LOVE'UM! I actually made the table topper. But here's a sad story. When I washed it after the tea, I ruined it. The ribbon bled all over the fabric. Oh My Goodness! It was a disaster! Un-Salvageable! I was so bummed! I went back to get more of the fabric and it was sold out. So this will be its last appearance.

For more delightful tea tables head over to Barb's Blog Grits and Glamour. Thank you, Barb, for hosting!


  1. Love the cherries, polka dots and checks! So sorry the cloth was ruined! Happy Tea time to you!

  2. Very sweet, I love Mary E !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  3. Very cute, I love Mary Englebreit things!


  4. So pretty Liz...I love the polka dots...almost bought some dishes today with polka dots...refrained!!
    Hey, we are sorta talking about having a luncheon for all the AZ bloggers...would you be interested??

  5. I miss Mary!:( Thanks for the flashback!

  6. Your table was so warm and inviting! Sad the table topper was ruined it was so cute.

  7. That looks absolutely AMAZING!! I love the cherries, great job!
    ♥ Teresa

  8. Looks beautiful! I love the cherries! Great job!

  9. Hi Liz, this is so pretty! Everything looks so sweet. Happy Tea Time Tuesday.


  10. That's too bad about the table topper. It was so cute. I love the color combo you chose.

  11. Oh a ME theme! I love it! You have the best tablescapes!
    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Heck! I'm sad about that darling tablecloth being ruined. This is all so cute, and soo Mary E. Love it. laurie

  13. Love the cherries, very bright and cheery!...hugs, Jennifer


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