Bible Journaling

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mags In The Mail!

Can you believe all 3 came in one day? Oh my GOSH!
Guess what I will be doing all next week?!
That's right! Studying my new Magazines!


  1. YAHOO!! is it not the best when they come all at once?? I just got my Romantic country also today and haven't even opened it yet..I get my mags and I don't want to be bother with anyone..I keep ones in my car and truck so I can read as we drive..Now curl up with your coffee and feet tucked under you and read and enjoy and then read them again...I slso do that...May you have a wonderful Easter dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. You're so funny :) And you're going crazy with Scrapblog! Everything is way too frickin' cute!

  3. Awesome! Enjoy. I hope to have some time soon for mine. ♥

  4. Oh I know! When I see a favorite mag in the mail my heart goes pitter-pat!I haven't got the new Victoria yet): You lucky thing you!

  5. I need to catch up on some of mine, as my daughter will be here Sunday & she gets them when I finsh with them.
    Thanks for visiting - to answer your question, the flowers in my header are Renunculous. This is my first year to try them - there are lots of buds now, but the foilage does not look so healthy.:(

  6. I am so with you! Can't they spread them out. I bet if some of the belly up mags had tried going on the market at the middle or end of the month they would have done better. I never have anything to read after the 20th. :)

  7. Hi:
    I was just stopping by to see what you were up to. For some silly reason my hand, which was so much better, is really hurting today so I am not up to typing. So I made this little message to let you know I still came by...and I loved your post because I always do!

    Roberta Anne...The Raggedy Girl

  8. I can't wait to get many idea's and makes for great reading. I especially like my Tea time mag........take care, Jennifer : )

  9. How exciting! I can't wait to get the new Victoria. I'm going to have to subscribe to Romantic Country because no one around me carries it!

    Enjoy! Share any good parts!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. That's what I call a HAPPY day :)

    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie, Easter blessings! Cynthia xo

  11. Oh how fun!!! Makes me want to go out and buy some magazines!!

  12. What fun! I love getting magazines thru the mail!
    Have a blessed Easter!

  13. I love magazines. I've just order Southern Living for $10 for the year. A deal! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  14. Have fun reading or um... studying Liz ;)

    Happy Easter!!

  15. I've been on a blogging break a medical hiatus. So now...I'm catching up, by enjoying a stroll through the posts I've missed. Luckily I bookmarked you in my favs.
    Grab a cup of tea and a sweet confection. Find a nice place in the sunshine and enjoy... from every luscious cover to cover.

    Come by for a visit, the company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  16. Love all those magazines and I just adore the way you have posted the photo of them on the blog!


Oh! I'm so happy that you want to take the time to comment on my blog. Each and every one that is left, is a little gift!

Thank you!