Bible Journaling

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chalk Board Project

This is a pretty easy 24 hour project. And the only reason it takes 24 hours is just because the Mod Podge has to dry over night before you
can put another coat on.

Here's what I used:
* One Chalkboard
* Stain or Brown Ink
* One Piece of Scrap Book Paper
* Magnets (mine had to be glued on and
it took about 4 across the top to get it
to stick to the side of the fridge)
* Decorative Appliques ( I ended up using
the two that you see in the finished project,
but whatever you want makes it more personal)
* Ribbon
* Chalk
* Fine sand paper

First I stained the wood frame with the brown ink and let it dry.
Then I simply measured and cut strips of paper to fit the frame. Glued them on and once they were very dry I used the sandpaper to rough up the edges. Then I wen over the paper with the bown ink. I wanted a more aged look. After that I used the mod podge and coated it about 5 times letting it dry in between coats. I glued on the appliques to the front and let them dry. Then glue the magnets to the back, let them dry. To finish, tied the chalk on with my ribbon.

It looks really cute on the side of fridge.

A piece of cake!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

WWW Weight Watchers Waffels

Ha! Ha! Made you look...

I suppose if you didn't put butter and syrup on them,
you could get a way with one.

But What Fun Would That Be?!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here Kitty Kitty....

A couple of weeks ago I did a post about my little hutch. A couple of you ladies made some kind comments about the little kitty figurne that I had on one of the shelves. So I thought I would share the story.....Sounds dramatic, huh?
There really isn't a story. :) hehehe
Aren't they sweet? When I was eight my very bestest friend in the whole world gave me this little dime store schotzkie for my birthday. Her name was Kim. She had a scar on her lip and incredibly curly hair. (not the pretty kind) But she was a sweetie to give me something that I still love and reminds me of her soooo many years ago. I hope she is happy!
I love these little kittens. They don't have any marking at all.
But they are lovely!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Let's Have a Cupa Tea and Talk a Little Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility

Can I just say, I think that this is my new favorite! I have never read any of the Jane Austen stories. But the character development and the story line are so rich and colorful that I absolutely fell in love with her. The use of our language is an education in and of itself. I have watched several of the movies that have been made from her novels and truly enjoyed them, but once you read the book you realize how wonderful reading a lovely story can be.

Every girl should read Sense and Sensibility!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hearts and Cherries

I hope you had an awesome, awesome, Valentines Day!! These are just some cute cherry hand towels. I went back to the TJ Max that I found them at and they were all gone. :( How rude!

I was going to get some more for a 100th post give away. Ah well I will just have to find something else that is just as cute!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Sweet Valentines Day to all my
Wonderful Blogging Pals!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cindy's Centerpiece Party!

Today I am participating in Cindy's Centerpiece Party at My Romantic Home. I don't think anybody in bloggerdom doesn't know who she is. Her blog is beautiful and is just chuck full of lovely pictures and ideas for decorating and crafting. There will be lots of participants, I'm sure, with lots of wonderful creative ideas!

I didn't spend one (no not one) penny on this little centerpiece. The three tiered server was a Christmas gift from my Lovely Sister in Law. Of course I couldn't wait to use it. The valentines are even left over from last year.

So it really just goes to show you that all you really need is to use what you already have and a little inspiration... sigh... where would I be without my bloggin' buddies!!! :)

Happy Valentines Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hang a Pitcher!

Little Staffordshire pitcher.
I picked this cutie up at the same store that I got those cute little birds at. It's hanging from the chandy in the family room over the dinner table. I stuck a few sprigs of rosemary inside.

I like it!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Semi-Homemade Mocha Latte and A New Magazine

Well, we have a new favorite publication. A month or so ago I got my new Tea Time Magazine and on the cover was an offer for a free trial issue of Sandra Lee's new magazine Semi-Homemade. Now I am a huge fan of Sandra Lee and her whole Semi-Homemade approach to cooking and decorating. Plus she always has a tablescape segment at the end of her show. So I was pretty excited to see that she had a magazine. Of course I had to sign up. I mean who can pass up free?

So I think that it is only appropriate that we make a little semi-homemade Mocha and sit down and see if we like this new magazine. The recipe is easy. Take this morning's left over coffee, put about a 1/2 an inch of chocolate syrup in the bottom of the cup. Pour re-heated coffee in over the syrup and add Half & Half till it is just about the color of chocolate milk.
Stir and Yum!

Now! Let's get comfortable and start perusing this lovely new publication.

Hhhhmmmm... Cost and time saving menus... Check!

Fresh, new, cost and time saving decorating ideas... Check!

Cute, new ideas for our favorite thing... TABLESCAPES... Check!

Fresh, new ideas to be creative... Check!

More fresh, new ideas to be creative... Check!

And of course all presented in beautiful pictures worth looking at again and again...
Check, Check and DOUBLE CHECK!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Little Hutch!

All of the Christmas dishes are put away and it's time to play...

The mantel clock and accent lamp are always there... The clock is the only thing that I have ever purchased at Ethan Allen. I love it.

There's those two cute little budgens (little fat baby birds)...
Yes! I kept a set for myself : )

You can click on any of my pictures if you want details.

This little sweetie is singing for her supper. She worked so hard to make that pie.

Pretty...Till I get bored and change it up again! : )

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And The Winner Is.......

Her blog is a very friendly and well worth the click! :) I have enjoyed
perusing all of her creative posts.

I want to thank everyone that commented! I have had so much fun meeting new people and seeing their blogs. So many wonderful thoughtful creative people.

I have enjoyed it so much that I already have my giveaway
planed for the 100th post!