Bible Journaling

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reese's Peanut Butter Cookies


Friday night was girlfriends night at our church. We had dinner and movie. Italian food and Return to Me! Mini Driver and David Decovney. Love this movie....I think I need to add it to my side bar... any way... I digress! Back to the point... I was supposed to decorate a table and take a dessert. I also had to go straight from work. Well, as I usually do... I ran out of time. I had to get up a 4:00am and bake a dessert. These cookies are my fool proof, fall back on, can't mess up, everyone loves cookies. So I thought that I would share it with you.

oooooo....more coffee, please!
Prepare ingredients as directed on back of mix package.

Shape in to even sized balls and bake in a mini muffin tin. ( ungreased )
Just until they are barely golden brown.

While they are baking unwrap 24 of the peanut butter cups. While the cookies are warm and gooey in the tin, push the peanut butter cups into the cookies. Remove from tin before they are completely cool.

Sorry! I didn't take a picture in the pretty little serving dish that I took them in. They were a hit though. So simple and everyone loves them!
I hope you enjoy them too!


  1. Mmmmm...they look great. Peanut butter is my weakness. Well, who am I kidding, when it comes to food I have many weaknesses. Peanut butter is a big one though. lol

    Thanks for coming over and checking out my pillow. You should definitely make one. It was pretty easy and fun!

  2. There would be some days I could eat the entire plateful. :)

  3. omg, Liz, Now I am starving lol :) I adore all those treats :)!!

    and I'm having my Coffee right now, lol, can't do anything without it :)

    thanks for stoppin in and being such a sweetie! Hugs, Cynthia

  4. My Aunt makes these at Christmas time...I had not idea they were so simple!

    Now, I must go raid my Hubby's snack drawer, I believe I spied a Reeses cup in there ;D

  5. What a fun recipe! I love peanut butter cups.
    Happy Tuesday from
    Roberta Anne

  6. Hi Liz~
    The cookies look delicious! And Return To Me is a family favorite around my house. My husband bought the DVD a few years ago and every once in awhile he and the girls and I pop it in. We love the scene where the old guys all dance together!:)

  7. They look awesomely delicious! LOL!
    Is that a word?

    Thanks for sharing.
    I'm giving these a try. :)

  8. Oooh I'm jealous you didn't make these when I was home :) They're soooo yummy!!!

  9. Oh my goodness...this looks too easy and wonderfully delicious so I'm afraid it means I HAVE TO TRY THESE!!! ;-) Bo

  10. Oh yum - I can see why they were a hit! I also love Return to Me, and had completely forgotten about that movie, now I want to rent it again! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment. :)

  11. Yummy looking cookies, great idea to go along with a great movie!

  12. Yum! These look great. I have to confess that I'm a lazy cook and have made these with pre-made dough. I bet these would be waaaay better. Love my coffee, too!

  13. I bet they were a hit! You combined two of my very favorite things in this whole wide world! Cookies, and Reeses Peanut Butter cups! Mmmm.

  14. Please pass me the cookie. Yummmmmmmmm

  15. Those look so good! I wonder if you could make them with a regular peanut butter cookie recipe from scratch? I may try that!

  16. Mmmmm, those cookies look so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe; I think I'll try them myself. Have a nice evening.


  17. What an easy way to make them, and they look so yummy.

  18. No fair, Liz! I'm trying to incorporate Weight Watchers back into my life! I'll just have to make these when I know the whole family is around so they can eat the majority of them - they look SOOOO good!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage


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