Bible Journaling

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ewey, Gooey, Wonderful, Chocolaty Brownies

I'm a pretty good baker of brownies. I'm not gonna lie. I would never use a mix! : )

But see, this is what I love about the blogging deal! I have found so many wonderful ideas and recipes. Two really great ones from the same Gal in Texas. The first recipe was The Boarding House Pound Cake. And it was so good that I thought I would try another one of Tina's recipes. This is her Brownie recipe. You can find it on her beautiful blog. Cherry Hill Cottage

As you can see this is not really for the faint of heart. I mean you really have to be jones'in for chocolate. But they are de-lish! Can you see that layer in the middle? I'm tell'in you what!
Awhh go on! You know you want one!
Make it a sweet day!


  1. Hi Liz!! Oh yummy!!! I know the recipe, however I have never made them. Tina's sister, Kathy, shared the same recipe with me a few years ago. They look awesome and now I am going to have to whip up a batch!!

    Have a great new week. Check back on the 23rd - having a little giveaway.


  2. Ok, you got me. I DO want one! BAD! This looks so yummy and your presentation of them is so beautiful, too. Love the roses.
    Patricia :o)

  3. I did not even see this article yet - pretty nice pics.

    The brownies were great! Glad you are having fun with this blogging stuff..

  4. Gracias por estas recetas,mejor imposible,el toque que les das es tan real que siento el sabor en mi boca, gracias por la presentacion y por compartir ese don de cocinar con amor,recibe bendiciones mil.


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