Bible Journaling

Thursday, January 28, 2010

5 of 101 Things To Do With a Cake Mix

Today I am returning to my 101 project. I was encouraged by a friendly blog visit from Stephanie Ashcraft, the author of the 101 books . She lives here in Arizona and is busy raising her family and writing more cookbooks. She has 2 blogs herself and you can visit them both here. Make sure you do because you can find out when her next apperance is and get great savings coupons.
Cooking with Mrs.101
My Savvys

So on to Number 5 of 101 Things To Do With A Cake Mix

Chocolate Squares...Now it just doesn't get any easier than this!

Chocolate Squares

  • 1 chocolate cake mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/3 cup oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl,
mix together cake mix, eggs, and oil.

Mixture will be stiff.
Spread the mixture evenly into a greased 9 x 13-inch pan.

Bake 13-16 minutes,
until the brownies reach the desired consistency.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Silly Kitty

Deez is nice shooz....

Wat in dat hole?

Eyes not care...Eyes wuvs deez shooz... Dayz my mostest favoritist....

Eyes wuvs u shooz.... U sniffs just like mine Momma!

Eyes tired! Eyes sweep heer. Mommas not go no whairs...
Yeah! Datz da tickit.....puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........

Enjoy Life!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hotel On The Corner of Bitter And Sweet

This month's reading for the Girlfriends Bookclub was
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
by Jamie Ford

I'm going to tell you right at the start that this was an awesome read. I can strongly recommend it to you!

This is a very sweet love story that goes back and forth between 1946, the war years, and 1986, the year that the Panama Hotel was purchased and restored. It all unfolds in the area of old Japantown in Seattle. Henry Lee (a Chinese American) is learning to move on after the death of his beloved wife of over 30 years. Passing by the old Hotel one day he finds a curious crowd and news reporters all gathered around the entrance. The lovely new owner has promised to restore the hotel to its original beauty. In the process, the belongings of almost 40 families are found in the basement of the Panama Hotel. Families that were all caught up in the "relocation" of Japanese American citizens to the internment camps of WWII. Henry immediately is transferred back to his 12 year old childhood and to the memories of a precious best friend that he made promises to and never forgot. More importantly he remembers life at a different time. A time when prejudice ruled the day and every American of Japanese descent was a possible enemy. Henry struggles between his loyalties to his wife, who he loved dearly, and the possibility of finding a promise from the past that could be a link to his future.

Let me know if you read it or if you have read it. I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Also, I am adding another button to my side bar. If you would like to see all of my book reviews just click on it.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Pink Saturday!

Have you seen these?
Mary Englebreit has endorsed snack cakes. Well they were so darn cute I just couldn't pass them up. Unfortunately, I can't say I was too impressed.

So don't rush out to buy them. They were cute but not tasty.

There are so many cute ideas!

It is supposed to stop raining today...
The air will be so clean and crisp. I love the desert after a good rain!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Quicky Update!



A button here and there...add a tassel....and ta daaaa!

I hung it on this little topiary tree. It normally goes in our bathroom.
It is to dark in there for photos so I brought it out into the light.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gifts! $5 Bucks or Less

I know this has been done all over the place... Like I've said a million times " I don't have any original thought in my head, but I can copy anything!" It's a gift! I guess?

These are just those composition books that you can get at any of the big discount stores. These in particular came from Target. They were marked down to .25 cents after "back to school" was over 2 years ago.

Well, I have a serious issue with paper. I LOVE tablets, notebooks, pens, markers and basically anything in the office supply area. So obviously, I couldn't walk past these. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but I knew it was a good deal!

I told myself that I would start journaling ... Have I mentioned that I don't journal?
Needless to say, they were stashed away until last Christmas and I remembered seeing this idea on another blog. The one that stands out in my mind was Laura's blog at Decor to Adore. She is always crafting something fun!
So last year that idea was still fresh in my mind. Have I mentioned that I always challenge myself to make something for my book club ladies? And did I also mention that if I can keep it under $5 bucks each I'm even happier?

Well, since I didn't buy any additional supplies... these were literally .25 cents each.
Crazy? Right! SIGH!
I love blogging!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Anouncing The Winners!

First of all! Thank each and everyone of you that signed up and followed. This was really fun and I promise I will be doing another one! But for now the winners.....
Drum roll please....

1. Winner of the 2009 White House Historical Association Ornament ........
Laura from Decor To Adore

2. Winner of the 2005 White House Historical Association Ornament ........
Lisa from Hospitable Pursuits

3. Winner of the 2008 White House Historical Association Ornament ........

To each of the winners:
If you could each e-mail me at and let me know where you want me to send your major awards.

Again thanks to everyone and to all of my wonderful followers and readers and lurkers.
Love you all!

Now! One of the gifts that I got for Christmas was an Amazon Gift Card. I LOVE I'm telling you! You can get anything at a better price from them.
It is so fun!

I've been waiting for this one! It is so full of beautiful pictures!

I asked for this one and the Merry and Bright, both from Country Living, for Christmas. I will be devouring them in short order. :)

All 4 for less than $50 bucks and free shipping to boot. These are new....not used!
I love a Great Deal!

Maybe my next giveaway will be decorating books....or a gift card to

Enjoy the Rest of the Weekend!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

TableScape Thursday

It's Tablescape Thursday again.... Make sure you check out Susan's Blog Between Naps on the Porch for tons of beautiful ideas.

This was Sunday Dinner... I just wanted to try something different... I ended up loving this table.
I probably have shared to many pictures, but I couldn't stop myself.
Sorry! :)

The silverware is from my mom. She brought it to me on Christmas Day.
I love it! Thanks MOM!

The Stemware is from my Great, Great, Grandmother. They are from the early 1920's. Aren't the beautiful? She had tons of them and would give them to family and friends for wedding gifts. Just 2 at a time. Isn't that funny. I feel pretty lucky that I ended up with 6 perfect ones. I'm pretty sure they came from soap boxes, but I'm not sure of the details.... If you know anything about them... I would love to hear more.

The Silverware is labeled Prestige Plate.
The china is White Silk by Mikasa

I really love the look of the natural beige of the burlap and the white.
Add the silver and I think the combination is stunning!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are starting the year off right and sticking to your New Year's Resolutions. I personally am sticking to mine so far. I'm pretty excited about it.

If I actually achieve any of my goals I'll let you know. Have a great week!

Oh and don't forget about my giveaway..... I will be drawing on Saturday. So you still have time.Click on the Picture to learn more.

Three prizes, three winners!