Bible Journaling

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lit N Latte for November!

Here is my review for this months book. We read Gift From The Sea
by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

I was really looking forward to reading this book. I have seen it for years and heard various women rant about how great it was. It has been a popular book since it was first published in the "50's. I had thought that someone that had endured the heart break that she and her husband did early in their marriage would have something very substantive to say about love, marriage, child rearing, friendship, faith, or any of the many subjects pertaining to being female.

Sad to say I was disappointed. The book is broken into chapters titled by types of sea shells. The shells represent different stages of a woman's life. I thought the comparisons were a stretch. And the descriptions were lacking meat. It's like having a finger sandwich when you were craving a steak. I thought that it was just another piece of pop psychology from the baby boomer generation. She even had the audacity to write about a time of life or "stage" that she hadn't even been through yet. Did I say I was disappointed? I guess the thing that just really bothered me was the "inner self stuff".

I did glean one or two points from the book. That is, that we as women, sometimes expect our relationships to be all things at all times. In fact, most relationships are only made of a series of moments and memories. They are what they are in that moment. I think this is true and I thought it was a good reminder that we shouldn't put so much pressure and expectation on our friends. We also need to make time for ourselves when we can be alone and where we don't have all the information coming in. (WHAT?! leave my computer off?! ) We do need to shut down every once and awhile.

Our next book is On Strike for Christmas by Sheila Roberts

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yikes! I've been tagged!

Is everyone enjoying the wonderful fall weather? I hope so!

Now what!?
Well I have been blogging for several months and I have never been tagged! How fun!
Sunday Girl at Crafty Corner has Tagged me. Thank you for including me! So I need to give you 8 facts about me......hhhhmmmmm let's see....

1. I work with almost all men. Which is fun, but I think it is part of the reason that I love doing my blog and interacting with all of the ladies in blog land. All of the beautiful ideas and pictures always inspire me.
2. I drive a little sports car that I love. In fact I love to drive fast whenever I can. One year for my birthday my hubs bought me a day at the Bonderant race track. It's called lap the track. I got to drive a formula one race car. I totally loved it. It could have been my missed calling. : )
3. I have been to Paris, London and several places in Germany.
4. In the spring my daughter and I are going to New York.
5. I love to scrapbook! I can spend an entire weekend in my pajamas doing nothing else.
6. I got my love of dishes from my mother.
7. We have 3 cats. Midgie, (a three legged marvel) Fletcher (he only has about 6 teeth) both are rescue kitties. And Spookers ( he is a black kitty that is afraid of everything)
8. My hubs says that I am the most positive person he knows!

Now I have to pick 8 bloggers and they have to do the same thing. I will let you know right up
front that I know some of you ladies don't care for these. If I pick you and you don't want to play, please don't feel obligated. It's just for fun.

1. Ceekay at Thinkin' of Home
2. Brettinsky at The Southern Hostess
3. Miss Janice at Etiquette with Miss Janice
4. Bo at Blinks 'N Winks From Brown-Eyes
5. Tam at Gypsy's Corner
6. Debra at Gloryfeathers, Starlight and Roses
7. Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie
8. Cami at Creating Myself

What you need to do:

1. each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2. people who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. at the end of your blog post, you need to tag eight people and list their names.
4. don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

Please leave me a comment so I know you've finished.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

TableScape Tuesday III

It's TableScape Tuesday again! If you want to play go to Susan's Blog at Between Naps on the Porch Every Tuesday is a party!
This is the last table from the Fall Progressive Tea. Both of my dinner tables seat 6. So I had to get creative for the 3 hostess. We sat at the coffee table in the Living room.
The blue glasses you probably recognize from Target? Well I got them for 40% off. Those pretty square plates were from an Antique store locally. One of the plates had a tiny chip. So I asked the dealer if I could have a percent off of that one. She gave me 20% off of all four! What a deal! I wish that I would have taken a close up of the detail on them. They are so pretty!
And of course you recognize that little Tea Pot from Marshalls/Homegoods!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Beans and Wee Knees

Alright! Alright! Beans and Franks! But I'm weird and I make up nicknames for everything and everyone. It's a bad habit, but I enjoy it. ANY WHO! My husband's very favorite thing that I make is Beans and Franks. I don't know if this is good or bad. But this is a comfort food that he loves so I make it for him just about once every other week. He's an easy man to please!

1. One large can of your favorite baked beans
2. One small can of roasted green chillies
3. One Tblsp of Dijon Mustard
4. Apx 1/4 of maple syrup
5. One package Beef Franks (low fat or turkey dogs are not the same, per my husband)

This is the wee knee part.... I slice them and broil them on a foil lined pan until they are slightly crispy....

While the franks are broiling, I put the rest of the ingredients in a casserole dish and stir.

Once the franks are done stir them
in to the casserole.

Bake until bubbly...

Serve it up and eat it in front of the TV. Because that's perfectly white trash! LOL!

I have to admit that I always have to at least taste this dish. I don't make a meal of it because this is how I got fat. Comfort Food! But this really is an inexpensive, easy and tasty dish for a week night.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

TableScape Tuesday II

It's TableScape Tuesday again! If you want to play go to
Susan's Blog at Between Naps on the Porch
Every Tuesday is a party!
Another table from my Progressive Fall Tea. These are my Grandmother's Dishes... Aren't they
pretty? They are beautiful at Christmas time too.

I mix my expensive stuff with my bargains. It insures that the bargains look as good as the expensive stuff. The napkin rings are from Walgreen's. I purchased them about 10 years ago.
Yet another truth about me.... I don't get rid of much. : )

The little lanterns are from Hallmark. They were on sale the day before Thanksgiving about 5 years ago.

This tablescape would be great for Thanksgiving. I will probably go to the Godiva Chocolate Store and buy little foil wrapped chocolate turkey's and put them at each place setting.

Next Tuesday I will show you the last table....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Split Pea Soup! Love it or Leave it?

Do you love Split Pea Soup or think it is something akin to a baby's bodily function? Nobody seems to be torn on this subject.
Well, I happen to love it! Especially when it starts to get cold out and this afternoon is perfect for homemade soup! My husband, on the other hand, says it looks like baby boogers... Nice! So I made him a big pot of Beans and Wee Knees instead. (I'll share that delightful recipe next week) For the few that do like it, I thought that I would share my recipe. Plus, if I'm not mistaken, this counts as a core soup on the Weight Watchers program.

1. 1 bag of chopped onions
2. 1 bag of green split peas
3. 1 bag of frozen peas and carrots
4. 1 potato (peeled and cubed)
5. 3 ham hocks
(you can use chopped ham, but to keep the calorie and fat content down,
I use the ham hocks and then pull them out at the end)
6. 8 cups of vegetable stock
7. 1 tsp of Herbs De Province

Herbs de Province is awesome! I use it a lot in soups. I learned about it from Rachel Ray. It is a blend of Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (yes just like the song).
I just dump everything into the pot and bring it all to a boil. Once it is boiling I turn it down very low and let it cook.

I let it cook for a long long long time. Like 3 or 4 hours on low. Stir it occasionally. When the potato is really soft...then its done. Pull the ham hocks out. Ladle into the blender and puree in batches.

In my pre- Weight Watchers days I would have a nice big piece of cornbread with lots of butter. I won't, but you can! : ) Instead, I will have a glass of sparkling water. Now that is the perfect hearty lunch on a cold rainy day!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Update to Charm School Saturday

Hi Everyone!
I canceling Charm School for today and moving it to next Saturday. I'm hoping that maybe everyone just didn't have enough time to do a post for this Saturday. So just leave me a comment on this post or the original Charm School Saturday post that you want to play and I will add your link for next Saturday. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Charm School Saturday II

Hey! Remember my Charm School Saturday? Well I'm doing it again... Maybe I didn't mention this in the first Charm School Saturday....But I have a number of Charm Bracelets... ahhmm.. Yes. It's true...I am easily distracted by pretty shiny things than jingle and sparkle.

The Saturday that I did the first Charm School Saturday... Cindy at My Romantic Home (I know you all know her!) linked in and showed her pretty bracelet that she had gotten from Joy at Cupids Charm.

Her jewelery and charm bracelets are absolutely darling. Each one is hand made. And each is lovingly gift wrapped with a personal little note! Well... I couldn't help myself....I had to purchase one. I simply had no control over the matter.

It arrived several weeks later (because each is handmade). SOOO worth the wait! Thank you Joy! I Love it!

Now this weekend will be Charm School Saturday again... If you would like to participate Just mention my post on your blog and use the Link opt. on your dashboard. Post a comment in my comments section so that I know and I will list your link below sometime (anytime) this weekend. Today is Thursday so that gives you 4 days. I can't wait to see and hear your Charm Bracelet stories.

You'll find more charming lovelies here!

BJ at Sweet Nothings

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

TableScape Tuesday

Today I'm participating in Tablescape Tuesday! This is a fun little party that Susan at Between naps on the porch does. If you need ideas for pretty tables... you need to go there.

A couple of weeks ago I hosted the savory portion of a Progressive Tea Party at my home. This is just like a progressive dinner only with Tea. One person does the savories, one does the scones and one does the sweets.

We had 12 ladies and it was a great time! It was a great way to show off our pretty things.

After having done this once.... I would recommend choosing homes that are close together. We had quite a drive in between each home. But other than that, this was a lot of fun! I would do it again in a heart beat!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it Already November?!!!!

Okay! I promised you a run down on everything that I have been up to in the past month. What on earth could keep me from my blogging buddies!? And what is so important that I have not been blogging?

Here goes!

Started Weight Watchers
Lost 11 pounds so far (only 30 more to go)
Got a new computer (using it right this second)
Had a Progressive Fall Tea Party at my home
Went to a Ladies Weekend Retreat with my church
Committed to becoming debt free in the next 3 years (this includes our home)
Turned 46
Celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary
Went to Flagstaff for the Chi Omega Family Fun Weekend at NAU
Got Color Draped.... I'm a spring!
Cleaned out my master bedroom closet and dressers.

Now that I can breath...I fully intend to start sharing some of my ideas in future posts. I hope that you will think that they are interesting.

Look at this cute little card... remember my give away about month ago. Jill (At Home in the Country) won it. This was the sweet thank you note she sent. Most of you have seen her blog...but in case you haven't .... go get yourself a cup of tea and sit down and enjoy it. It is a very pretty place! Lots of great ideas...And we get to watch her new home be built...

It is finally fall in the Valley of the Sun. We are down into the low 90's and they are predicting 80's next week...maybe even some rain... Can't wait!